Dart Documentationvector_mathMatrix2

Matrix2 class

2D Matrix. Values are stored in column major order.

class Matrix2 {
 final Float32List storage = new Float32List(4);

 /// Solve [A] * [x] = [b].
 static void solve(Matrix2 A, Vector2 x, Vector2 b) {
   final double a11 = A.entry(0,0);
   final double a12 = A.entry(0,1);
   final double a21 = A.entry(1,0);
   final double a22 = A.entry(1,1);
   final double bx = b.x;
   final double by = b.y;
   double det = a11 * a22 - a12 * a21;

   if (det != 0.0){
     det = 1.0 / det;

   x.x = det * (a22 * bx - a12 * by);
   x.y = det * (a11 * by - a21 * bx);

 /// Return index in storage for [row], [col] value.
 int index(int row, int col) => (col * 2) + row;

 /// Value at [row], [col].
 double entry(int row, int col) => storage[index(row, col)];

 /// Set value at [row], [col] to be [v].
 setEntry(int row, int col, double v) { storage[index(row, col)] = v; }

 /// New matrix with specified values.
 Matrix2(double arg0, double arg1, double arg2, double arg3) {
   setValues(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3);

 /// Zero matrix.

 /// Identity matrix.
 Matrix2.identity() {

 /// Copies values from [other].
 Matrix2.copy(Matrix2 other) {

 /// Matrix with values from column arguments.
 Matrix2.columns(Vector2 arg0, Vector2 arg1) {
   setColumns(arg0, arg1);

 /// Outer product of [u] and [v].
 Matrix2.outer(Vector2 u, Vector2 v) {
   storage[0] = u.storage[0] * v.storage[0];
   storage[1] = u.storage[0] * v.storage[1];
   storage[2] = u.storage[1] * v.storage[0];
   storage[3] = u.storage[1] * v.storage[1];

 /// Rotation of [radians_].
 Matrix2.rotation(double radians_) {

 /// Sets the matrix with specified values.
 Matrix2 setValues(double arg0, double arg1, double arg2, double arg3) {
   storage[3] = arg3;
   storage[2] = arg2;
   storage[1] = arg1;
   storage[0] = arg0;
   return this;

 /// Sets the entire matrix to the column values.
 Matrix2 setColumns(Vector2 arg0, Vector2 arg1) {
   storage[0] = arg0.storage[0];
   storage[1] = arg0.storage[1];
   storage[2] = arg1.storage[0];
   storage[3] = arg1.storage[1];
   return this;

 /// Sets the entire matrix to the matrix in [arg].
 Matrix2 setFrom(Matrix2 arg) {
   storage[3] = arg.storage[3];
   storage[2] = arg.storage[2];
   storage[1] = arg.storage[1];
   storage[0] = arg.storage[0];
   return this;

 /// Sets the diagonal to [arg].
 Matrix2 splatDiagonal(double arg) {
   storage[0] = arg;
   storage[3] = arg;
   return this;

 /// Sets the diagonal of the matrix to be [arg].
 Matrix2 setDiagonal(Vector2 arg) {
   storage[0] = arg.storage[0];
   storage[3] = arg.storage[1];
   return this;

 /// Returns a printable string
 String toString() {
   String s = '';
   s = '$s[0] ${getRow(0)}\n';
   s = '$s[1] ${getRow(1)}\n';
   return s;

 /// Dimension of the matrix.
 int get dimension => 2;

 double operator[](int i) => storage[i];

 void operator[]=(int i, double v) { storage[i] = v; }
 /// Returns row 0
 Vector2 get row0 => getRow(0);

 /// Returns row 1
 Vector2 get row1 => getRow(1);

 /// Sets row 0 to [arg]
 set row0(Vector2 arg) => setRow(0, arg);

 /// Sets row 1 to [arg]
 set row1(Vector2 arg) => setRow(1, arg);

 /// Sets [row] of the matrix to values in [arg]
 void setRow(int row, Vector2 arg) {
   storage[index(row, 0)] = arg.storage[0];
   storage[index(row, 1)] = arg.storage[1];

 /// Gets the [row] of the matrix
 Vector2 getRow(int row) {
   Vector2 r = new Vector2.zero();
   r.storage[0] = storage[index(row, 0)];
   r.storage[1] = storage[index(row, 1)];
   return r;

 /// Assigns the [column] of the matrix [arg]
 void setColumn(int column, Vector2 arg) {
   int entry = column * 2;
   storage[entry+1] = arg.storage[1];
   storage[entry+0] = arg.storage[0];

 /// Gets the [column] of the matrix
 Vector2 getColumn(int column) {
   Vector2 r = new Vector2.zero();
   int entry = column * 2;
   r.storage[1] = storage[entry+1];
   r.storage[0] = storage[entry+0];
   return r;

 Matrix2 clone() {
   return new Matrix2.copy(this);

 Matrix2 copyInto(Matrix2 arg) {
   arg.storage[0] = storage[0];
   arg.storage[1] = storage[1];
   arg.storage[2] = storage[2];
   arg.storage[3] = storage[3];
   return arg;

 // TODO: Clean up functions below here.
 Matrix2 _mul_scale(double arg) {
   Matrix2 r = new Matrix2.zero();
   r.storage[3] = storage[3] * arg;
   r.storage[2] = storage[2] * arg;
   r.storage[1] = storage[1] * arg;
   r.storage[0] = storage[0] * arg;
   return r;

 Matrix2 _mul_matrix(Matrix2 arg) {
   var r = new Matrix2.zero();
   r.storage[0] = (storage[0] * arg.storage[0]) +
                   (storage[2] * arg.storage[1]);
   r.storage[2] = (storage[0] * arg.storage[2]) +
                   (storage[2] * arg.storage[3]);
   r.storage[1] = (storage[1] * arg.storage[0]) +
                   (storage[3] * arg.storage[1]);
   r.storage[3] = (storage[1] * arg.storage[2]) +
                   (storage[3] * arg.storage[3]);
   return r;

 Vector2 _mul_vector(Vector2 arg) {
   Vector2 r = new Vector2.zero();
   r.storage[1] = (storage[1] * arg.storage[0]) +
                   (storage[3] * arg.storage[1]);
   r.storage[0] = (storage[0] * arg.storage[0]) +
                   (storage[2] * arg.storage[1]);
   return r;

 /// Returns a new vector or matrix by multiplying [this] with [arg].
 dynamic operator*(dynamic arg) {
   if (arg is double) {
     return _mul_scale(arg);
   if (arg is Vector2) {
     return _mul_vector(arg);
   if (2 == arg.dimension) {
     return _mul_matrix(arg);
   throw new ArgumentError(arg);

 /// Returns new matrix after component wise [this] + [arg]
 Matrix2 operator+(Matrix2 arg) {
   Matrix2 r = new Matrix2.zero();
   r.storage[0] = storage[0] + arg.storage[0];
   r.storage[1] = storage[1] + arg.storage[1];
   r.storage[2] = storage[2] + arg.storage[2];
   r.storage[3] = storage[3] + arg.storage[3];
   return r;

 /// Returns new matrix after component wise [this] - [arg]
 Matrix2 operator-(Matrix2 arg) {
   Matrix2 r = new Matrix2.zero();
   r.storage[0] = storage[0] - arg.storage[0];
   r.storage[1] = storage[1] - arg.storage[1];
   r.storage[2] = storage[2] - arg.storage[2];
   r.storage[3] = storage[3] - arg.storage[3];
   return r;

 /// Returns new matrix -this
 Matrix2 operator-() {
   Matrix2 r = new Matrix2.zero();
   r[0] = -storage[0];
   r[1] = -storage[1];
   return r;

 /// Zeros [this].
 Matrix2 setZero() {
   storage[0] = 0.0;
   storage[1] = 0.0;
   storage[2] = 0.0;
   storage[3] = 0.0;
   return this;

 /// Makes [this] into the identity matrix.
 Matrix2 setIdentity() {
   storage[0] = 1.0;
   storage[1] = 0.0;
   storage[2] = 0.0;
   storage[3] = 1.0;
   return this;

 /// Returns the tranpose of this.
 Matrix2 transposed() {
   Matrix2 r = new Matrix2.zero();
   r.storage[0] = storage[0];
   r.storage[1] = storage[2];
   r.storage[2] = storage[1];
   r.storage[3] = storage[3];
   return r;

 Matrix2 transpose() {
   double temp;
   temp = storage[2];
   storage[2] = storage[1];
   storage[1] = temp;
   return this;

 /// Returns the component wise absolute value of this.
 Matrix2 absolute() {
   Matrix2 r = new Matrix2.zero();
   r.storage[0] = storage[0].abs();
   r.storage[1] = storage[1].abs();
   r.storage[2] = storage[2].abs();
   r.storage[3] = storage[3].abs();
   return r;

 /// Returns the determinant of this matrix.
 double determinant() {
   return (storage[0] * storage[3]) - (storage[1]*storage[2]);

 /// Returns the dot product of row [i] and [v].
 double dotRow(int i, Vector2 v) {
   return storage[i] * v.storage[0] + storage[2 + i] * v.storage[1];

 /// Returns the dot product of column [j] and [v].
 double dotColumn(int j, Vector2 v) {
   return storage[j*2] * v.storage[0] + storage[(j*2)+1] * v.storage[1];

 /// Trace of the matrix.
 double trace() {
   double t = 0.0;
   t += storage[0];
   t += storage[3];
   return t;

 /// Returns infinity norm of the matrix. Used for numerical analysis.
 double infinityNorm() {
   double norm = 0.0;
     double row_norm = 0.0;
     row_norm += storage[0].abs();
     row_norm += storage[1].abs();
     norm = row_norm > norm ? row_norm : norm;
     double row_norm = 0.0;
     row_norm += storage[2].abs();
     row_norm += storage[3].abs();
     norm = row_norm > norm ? row_norm : norm;
   return norm;

 /// Returns relative error between [this] and [correct]
 double relativeError(Matrix2 correct) {
   Matrix2 diff = correct - this;
   double correct_norm = correct.infinityNorm();
   double diff_norm = diff.infinityNorm();
   return diff_norm/correct_norm;

 /// Returns absolute error between [this] and [correct]
 double absoluteError(Matrix2 correct) {
   double this_norm = infinityNorm();
   double correct_norm = correct.infinityNorm();
   double diff_norm = (this_norm - correct_norm).abs();
   return diff_norm;

 /// Invert the matrix. Returns the determinant.
 double invert() {
   double det = determinant();
   if (det == 0.0) {
     return 0.0;
   double invDet = 1.0 / det;
   double temp = storage[0];
   storage[0] = storage[3] * invDet;
   storage[1] = -storage[1] * invDet;
   storage[2] = -storage[2] * invDet;
   storage[3] = temp * invDet;
   return det;

 /// Set this matrix to be the inverse of [arg]
 double copyInverse(Matrix2 arg) {
   double det = arg.determinant();
   if (det == 0.0) {
     return 0.0;
   double invDet = 1.0 / det;
   storage[0] = arg.storage[3] * invDet;
   storage[1] = -arg.storage[1] * invDet;
   storage[2] = -arg.storage[2] * invDet;
   storage[3] = arg.storage[0] * invDet;
   return det;

 /// Turns the matrix into a rotation of [radians]
 void setRotation(double radians) {
   double c = Math.cos(radians);
   double s = Math.sin(radians);
   storage[0] = c;
   storage[1] = s;
   storage[2] = -s;
   storage[3] = c;

 /// Converts into Adjugate matrix and scales by [scale]
 Matrix2 scaleAdjoint(double scale) {
   double temp = storage[0];
   storage[0] = storage[3] * scale;
   storage[2] = - storage[2] * scale;
   storage[1] = - storage[1] * scale;
   storage[3] = temp * scale;
   return this;

 Matrix2 add(Matrix2 o) {
   storage[0] = storage[0] + o.storage[0];
   storage[1] = storage[1] + o.storage[1];
   storage[2] = storage[2] + o.storage[2];
   storage[3] = storage[3] + o.storage[3];
   return this;

 Matrix2 sub(Matrix2 o) {
   storage[0] = storage[0] - o.storage[0];
   storage[1] = storage[1] - o.storage[1];
   storage[2] = storage[2] - o.storage[2];
   storage[3] = storage[3] - o.storage[3];
   return this;

 Matrix2 negate() {
   storage[0] = -storage[0];
   storage[1] = -storage[1];
   storage[2] = -storage[2];
   storage[3] = -storage[3];
   return this;

 Matrix2 multiply(Matrix2 arg) {
   final double m00 = storage[0];
   final double m01 = storage[2];
   final double m10 = storage[1];
   final double m11 = storage[3];
   final double n00 = arg.storage[0];
   final double n01 = arg.storage[2];
   final double n10 = arg.storage[1];
   final double n11 = arg.storage[3];
   storage[0] =  (m00 * n00) + (m01 * n10);
   storage[2] =  (m00 * n01) + (m01 * n11);
   storage[1] =  (m10 * n00) + (m11 * n10);
   storage[3] =  (m10 * n01) + (m11 * n11);
   return this;

 Matrix2 transposeMultiply(Matrix2 arg) {
   double m00 = storage[0];
   double m01 = storage[1];
   double m10 = storage[2];
   double m11 = storage[3];
   storage[0] =  (m00 * arg.storage[0]) + (m01 * arg.storage[1]);
   storage[2] =  (m00 * arg.storage[2]) + (m01 * arg.storage[3]);
   storage[1] =  (m10 * arg.storage[0]) + (m11 * arg.storage[1]);
   storage[3] =  (m10 * arg.storage[2]) + (m11 * arg.storage[3]);
   return this;

 Matrix2 multiplyTranspose(Matrix2 arg) {
   double m00 = storage[0];
   double m01 = storage[2];
   double m10 = storage[1];
   double m11 = storage[3];
   storage[0] =  (m00 * arg.storage[0]) + (m01 * arg.storage[2]);
   storage[2] =  (m00 * arg.storage[1]) + (m01 * arg.storage[3]);
   storage[1] =  (m10 * arg.storage[0]) + (m11 * arg.storage[2]);
   storage[3] =  (m10 * arg.storage[1]) + (m11 * arg.storage[3]);
   return this;

 Vector2 transform(Vector2 arg) {
   double x_ = (storage[0] * arg.storage[0]) +
               (storage[2] * arg.storage[1]);
   double y_ = (storage[1] * arg.storage[0]) +
               (storage[3] * arg.storage[1]);
   arg.x = x_;
   arg.y = y_;
   return arg;

 Vector2 transformed(Vector2 arg, [Vector2 out=null]) {
   if (out == null) {
     out = new Vector2.copy(arg);
   } else {
   return transform(out);

 /// Copies [this] into [array] starting at [offset].
 void copyIntoArray(List<num> array, [int offset=0]) {
   int i = offset;
   array[i+3] = storage[3];
   array[i+2] = storage[2];
   array[i+1] = storage[1];
   array[i+0] = storage[0];

 /// Copies elements from [array] into [this] starting at [offset].
 void copyFromArray(List<double> array, [int offset=0]) {
   int i = offset;
   storage[3] = array[i+3];
   storage[2] = array[i+2];
   storage[1] = array[i+1];
   storage[0] = array[i+0];

Static Methods

void solve(Matrix2 A, Vector2 x, Vector2 b) #

Solve A * x = b.

static void solve(Matrix2 A, Vector2 x, Vector2 b) {
 final double a11 = A.entry(0,0);
 final double a12 = A.entry(0,1);
 final double a21 = A.entry(1,0);
 final double a22 = A.entry(1,1);
 final double bx = b.x;
 final double by = b.y;
 double det = a11 * a22 - a12 * a21;

 if (det != 0.0){
   det = 1.0 / det;

 x.x = det * (a22 * bx - a12 * by);
 x.y = det * (a11 * by - a21 * bx);


new Matrix2(double arg0, double arg1, double arg2, double arg3) #

New matrix with specified values.

Matrix2(double arg0, double arg1, double arg2, double arg3) {
 setValues(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3);

new Matrix2.columns(Vector2 arg0, Vector2 arg1) #

Matrix with values from column arguments.

Matrix2.columns(Vector2 arg0, Vector2 arg1) {
 setColumns(arg0, arg1);

new Matrix2.copy(Matrix2 other) #

Copies values from other.

Matrix2.copy(Matrix2 other) {

new Matrix2.identity() #

Identity matrix.

Matrix2.identity() {

new Matrix2.outer(Vector2 u, Vector2 v) #

Outer product of u and v.

Matrix2.outer(Vector2 u, Vector2 v) {
 storage[0] = u.storage[0] * v.storage[0];
 storage[1] = u.storage[0] * v.storage[1];
 storage[2] = u.storage[1] * v.storage[0];
 storage[3] = u.storage[1] * v.storage[1];

new Matrix2.rotation(double radians_) #

Rotation of radians_.

Matrix2.rotation(double radians_) {

new Matrix2.zero() #

Zero matrix.



final int dimension #

Dimension of the matrix.

int get dimension => 2;

Vector2 get row0 #

Returns row 0

Vector2 get row0 => getRow(0);

dynamic set row0(Vector2 arg) #

Sets row 0 to arg

set row0(Vector2 arg) => setRow(0, arg);

Vector2 get row1 #

Returns row 1

Vector2 get row1 => getRow(1);

dynamic set row1(Vector2 arg) #

Sets row 1 to arg

set row1(Vector2 arg) => setRow(1, arg);

final Float32List storage #

final Float32List storage = new Float32List(4)


double operator [](int i) #

double operator[](int i) => storage[i];

void operator []=(int i, double v) #

void operator[]=(int i, double v) { storage[i] = v; }

Matrix2 operator +(Matrix2 arg) #

Returns new matrix after component wise this + arg

Matrix2 operator+(Matrix2 arg) {
 Matrix2 r = new Matrix2.zero();
 r.storage[0] = storage[0] + arg.storage[0];
 r.storage[1] = storage[1] + arg.storage[1];
 r.storage[2] = storage[2] + arg.storage[2];
 r.storage[3] = storage[3] + arg.storage[3];
 return r;

Matrix2 operator -() #

Returns new matrix -this

Matrix2 operator-() {
 Matrix2 r = new Matrix2.zero();
 r[0] = -storage[0];
 r[1] = -storage[1];
 return r;

Matrix2 operator -(Matrix2 arg) #

Returns new matrix after component wise this - arg

Matrix2 operator-(Matrix2 arg) {
 Matrix2 r = new Matrix2.zero();
 r.storage[0] = storage[0] - arg.storage[0];
 r.storage[1] = storage[1] - arg.storage[1];
 r.storage[2] = storage[2] - arg.storage[2];
 r.storage[3] = storage[3] - arg.storage[3];
 return r;

dynamic operator *(arg) #

Returns a new vector or matrix by multiplying this with arg.

dynamic operator*(dynamic arg) {
 if (arg is double) {
   return _mul_scale(arg);
 if (arg is Vector2) {
   return _mul_vector(arg);
 if (2 == arg.dimension) {
   return _mul_matrix(arg);
 throw new ArgumentError(arg);


Matrix2 absolute() #

Returns the component wise absolute value of this.

Matrix2 absolute() {
 Matrix2 r = new Matrix2.zero();
 r.storage[0] = storage[0].abs();
 r.storage[1] = storage[1].abs();
 r.storage[2] = storage[2].abs();
 r.storage[3] = storage[3].abs();
 return r;

double absoluteError(Matrix2 correct) #

Returns absolute error between this and correct

double absoluteError(Matrix2 correct) {
 double this_norm = infinityNorm();
 double correct_norm = correct.infinityNorm();
 double diff_norm = (this_norm - correct_norm).abs();
 return diff_norm;

Matrix2 add(Matrix2 o) #

Matrix2 add(Matrix2 o) {
 storage[0] = storage[0] + o.storage[0];
 storage[1] = storage[1] + o.storage[1];
 storage[2] = storage[2] + o.storage[2];
 storage[3] = storage[3] + o.storage[3];
 return this;

Matrix2 clone() #

Matrix2 clone() {
 return new Matrix2.copy(this);

void copyFromArray(List<double> array, [int offset = 0]) #

Copies elements from array into this starting at offset.

void copyFromArray(List<double> array, [int offset=0]) {
 int i = offset;
 storage[3] = array[i+3];
 storage[2] = array[i+2];
 storage[1] = array[i+1];
 storage[0] = array[i+0];

Matrix2 copyInto(Matrix2 arg) #

Matrix2 copyInto(Matrix2 arg) {
 arg.storage[0] = storage[0];
 arg.storage[1] = storage[1];
 arg.storage[2] = storage[2];
 arg.storage[3] = storage[3];
 return arg;

void copyIntoArray(List<num> array, [int offset = 0]) #

Copies this into array starting at offset.

void copyIntoArray(List<num> array, [int offset=0]) {
 int i = offset;
 array[i+3] = storage[3];
 array[i+2] = storage[2];
 array[i+1] = storage[1];
 array[i+0] = storage[0];

double copyInverse(Matrix2 arg) #

Set this matrix to be the inverse of arg

double copyInverse(Matrix2 arg) {
 double det = arg.determinant();
 if (det == 0.0) {
   return 0.0;
 double invDet = 1.0 / det;
 storage[0] = arg.storage[3] * invDet;
 storage[1] = -arg.storage[1] * invDet;
 storage[2] = -arg.storage[2] * invDet;
 storage[3] = arg.storage[0] * invDet;
 return det;

double determinant() #

Returns the determinant of this matrix.

double determinant() {
 return (storage[0] * storage[3]) - (storage[1]*storage[2]);

double dotColumn(int j, Vector2 v) #

Returns the dot product of column j and v.

double dotColumn(int j, Vector2 v) {
 return storage[j*2] * v.storage[0] + storage[(j*2)+1] * v.storage[1];

double dotRow(int i, Vector2 v) #

Returns the dot product of row i and v.

double dotRow(int i, Vector2 v) {
 return storage[i] * v.storage[0] + storage[2 + i] * v.storage[1];

double entry(int row, int col) #

Value at row, col.

double entry(int row, int col) => storage[index(row, col)];

Vector2 getColumn(int column) #

Gets the column of the matrix

Vector2 getColumn(int column) {
 Vector2 r = new Vector2.zero();
 int entry = column * 2;
 r.storage[1] = storage[entry+1];
 r.storage[0] = storage[entry+0];
 return r;

Vector2 getRow(int row) #

Gets the row of the matrix

Vector2 getRow(int row) {
 Vector2 r = new Vector2.zero();
 r.storage[0] = storage[index(row, 0)];
 r.storage[1] = storage[index(row, 1)];
 return r;

int index(int row, int col) #

Return index in storage for row, col value.

int index(int row, int col) => (col * 2) + row;

double infinityNorm() #

Returns infinity norm of the matrix. Used for numerical analysis.

double infinityNorm() {
 double norm = 0.0;
   double row_norm = 0.0;
   row_norm += storage[0].abs();
   row_norm += storage[1].abs();
   norm = row_norm > norm ? row_norm : norm;
   double row_norm = 0.0;
   row_norm += storage[2].abs();
   row_norm += storage[3].abs();
   norm = row_norm > norm ? row_norm : norm;
 return norm;

double invert() #

Invert the matrix. Returns the determinant.

double invert() {
 double det = determinant();
 if (det == 0.0) {
   return 0.0;
 double invDet = 1.0 / det;
 double temp = storage[0];
 storage[0] = storage[3] * invDet;
 storage[1] = -storage[1] * invDet;
 storage[2] = -storage[2] * invDet;
 storage[3] = temp * invDet;
 return det;

Matrix2 multiply(Matrix2 arg) #

Matrix2 multiply(Matrix2 arg) {
 final double m00 = storage[0];
 final double m01 = storage[2];
 final double m10 = storage[1];
 final double m11 = storage[3];
 final double n00 = arg.storage[0];
 final double n01 = arg.storage[2];
 final double n10 = arg.storage[1];
 final double n11 = arg.storage[3];
 storage[0] =  (m00 * n00) + (m01 * n10);
 storage[2] =  (m00 * n01) + (m01 * n11);
 storage[1] =  (m10 * n00) + (m11 * n10);
 storage[3] =  (m10 * n01) + (m11 * n11);
 return this;

Matrix2 multiplyTranspose(Matrix2 arg) #

Matrix2 multiplyTranspose(Matrix2 arg) {
 double m00 = storage[0];
 double m01 = storage[2];
 double m10 = storage[1];
 double m11 = storage[3];
 storage[0] =  (m00 * arg.storage[0]) + (m01 * arg.storage[2]);
 storage[2] =  (m00 * arg.storage[1]) + (m01 * arg.storage[3]);
 storage[1] =  (m10 * arg.storage[0]) + (m11 * arg.storage[2]);
 storage[3] =  (m10 * arg.storage[1]) + (m11 * arg.storage[3]);
 return this;

Matrix2 negate() #

Matrix2 negate() {
 storage[0] = -storage[0];
 storage[1] = -storage[1];
 storage[2] = -storage[2];
 storage[3] = -storage[3];
 return this;

double relativeError(Matrix2 correct) #

Returns relative error between this and correct

double relativeError(Matrix2 correct) {
 Matrix2 diff = correct - this;
 double correct_norm = correct.infinityNorm();
 double diff_norm = diff.infinityNorm();
 return diff_norm/correct_norm;

Matrix2 scaleAdjoint(double scale) #

Converts into Adjugate matrix and scales by scale

Matrix2 scaleAdjoint(double scale) {
 double temp = storage[0];
 storage[0] = storage[3] * scale;
 storage[2] = - storage[2] * scale;
 storage[1] = - storage[1] * scale;
 storage[3] = temp * scale;
 return this;

void setColumn(int column, Vector2 arg) #

Assigns the column of the matrix arg

void setColumn(int column, Vector2 arg) {
 int entry = column * 2;
 storage[entry+1] = arg.storage[1];
 storage[entry+0] = arg.storage[0];

Matrix2 setColumns(Vector2 arg0, Vector2 arg1) #

Sets the entire matrix to the column values.

Matrix2 setColumns(Vector2 arg0, Vector2 arg1) {
 storage[0] = arg0.storage[0];
 storage[1] = arg0.storage[1];
 storage[2] = arg1.storage[0];
 storage[3] = arg1.storage[1];
 return this;

Matrix2 setDiagonal(Vector2 arg) #

Sets the diagonal of the matrix to be arg.

Matrix2 setDiagonal(Vector2 arg) {
 storage[0] = arg.storage[0];
 storage[3] = arg.storage[1];
 return this;

dynamic setEntry(int row, int col, double v) #

Set value at row, col to be v.

setEntry(int row, int col, double v) { storage[index(row, col)] = v; }

Matrix2 setFrom(Matrix2 arg) #

Sets the entire matrix to the matrix in arg.

Matrix2 setFrom(Matrix2 arg) {
 storage[3] = arg.storage[3];
 storage[2] = arg.storage[2];
 storage[1] = arg.storage[1];
 storage[0] = arg.storage[0];
 return this;

Matrix2 setIdentity() #

Makes this into the identity matrix.

Matrix2 setIdentity() {
 storage[0] = 1.0;
 storage[1] = 0.0;
 storage[2] = 0.0;
 storage[3] = 1.0;
 return this;

void setRotation(double radians) #

Turns the matrix into a rotation of radians

void setRotation(double radians) {
 double c = Math.cos(radians);
 double s = Math.sin(radians);
 storage[0] = c;
 storage[1] = s;
 storage[2] = -s;
 storage[3] = c;

void setRow(int row, Vector2 arg) #

Sets row of the matrix to values in arg

void setRow(int row, Vector2 arg) {
 storage[index(row, 0)] = arg.storage[0];
 storage[index(row, 1)] = arg.storage[1];

Matrix2 setValues(double arg0, double arg1, double arg2, double arg3) #

Sets the matrix with specified values.

Matrix2 setValues(double arg0, double arg1, double arg2, double arg3) {
 storage[3] = arg3;
 storage[2] = arg2;
 storage[1] = arg1;
 storage[0] = arg0;
 return this;

Matrix2 setZero() #

Zeros this.

Matrix2 setZero() {
 storage[0] = 0.0;
 storage[1] = 0.0;
 storage[2] = 0.0;
 storage[3] = 0.0;
 return this;

Matrix2 splatDiagonal(double arg) #

Sets the diagonal to arg.

Matrix2 splatDiagonal(double arg) {
 storage[0] = arg;
 storage[3] = arg;
 return this;

Matrix2 sub(Matrix2 o) #

Matrix2 sub(Matrix2 o) {
 storage[0] = storage[0] - o.storage[0];
 storage[1] = storage[1] - o.storage[1];
 storage[2] = storage[2] - o.storage[2];
 storage[3] = storage[3] - o.storage[3];
 return this;

String toString() #

Returns a printable string

String toString() {
 String s = '';
 s = '$s[0] ${getRow(0)}\n';
 s = '$s[1] ${getRow(1)}\n';
 return s;

double trace() #

Trace of the matrix.

double trace() {
 double t = 0.0;
 t += storage[0];
 t += storage[3];
 return t;

Vector2 transform(Vector2 arg) #

Vector2 transform(Vector2 arg) {
 double x_ = (storage[0] * arg.storage[0]) +
             (storage[2] * arg.storage[1]);
 double y_ = (storage[1] * arg.storage[0]) +
             (storage[3] * arg.storage[1]);
 arg.x = x_;
 arg.y = y_;
 return arg;

Vector2 transformed(Vector2 arg, [Vector2 out = null]) #

Vector2 transformed(Vector2 arg, [Vector2 out=null]) {
 if (out == null) {
   out = new Vector2.copy(arg);
 } else {
 return transform(out);

Matrix2 transpose() #

Matrix2 transpose() {
 double temp;
 temp = storage[2];
 storage[2] = storage[1];
 storage[1] = temp;
 return this;

Matrix2 transposed() #

Returns the tranpose of this.

Matrix2 transposed() {
 Matrix2 r = new Matrix2.zero();
 r.storage[0] = storage[0];
 r.storage[1] = storage[2];
 r.storage[2] = storage[1];
 r.storage[3] = storage[3];
 return r;

Matrix2 transposeMultiply(Matrix2 arg) #

Matrix2 transposeMultiply(Matrix2 arg) {
 double m00 = storage[0];
 double m01 = storage[1];
 double m10 = storage[2];
 double m11 = storage[3];
 storage[0] =  (m00 * arg.storage[0]) + (m01 * arg.storage[1]);
 storage[2] =  (m00 * arg.storage[2]) + (m01 * arg.storage[3]);
 storage[1] =  (m10 * arg.storage[0]) + (m11 * arg.storage[1]);
 storage[3] =  (m10 * arg.storage[2]) + (m11 * arg.storage[3]);
 return this;