Dart DocumentationthreeFace4

Face4 class

class Face4 extends Face {

 Face4([int a = 0, int b = 0, int c = 0, int d = 0, normalOrVertexNormals, colorOrVertexColors, materialIndex]) :
   super([a, b, c, d], normalOrVertexNormals, colorOrVertexColors, materialIndex);

 get a => indices[0];
 set a(int i) { indices[0] = i; }

 get b => indices[1];
 set b(int i) { indices[1] = i; }

 get c => indices[2];
 set c(int i) { indices[2] = i; }

 get d => indices[3];
 set d(int i) { indices[3] = i; }

 clone() => new Face4(a, b, c, d).setFrom(this);


Face > Face4


new Face4([int a = 0, int b = 0, int c = 0, int d = 0, normalOrVertexNormals, colorOrVertexColors, materialIndex]) #

normalOrVertexNormals and colorOrVertexColors can be either a Vector3 or a [List]

docs inherited from Face
Face4([int a = 0, int b = 0, int c = 0, int d = 0, normalOrVertexNormals, colorOrVertexColors, materialIndex]) :
 super([a, b, c, d], normalOrVertexNormals, colorOrVertexColors, materialIndex);


var a #

get a => indices[0];
set a(int i) { indices[0] = i; }

var b #

get b => indices[1];
set b(int i) { indices[1] = i; }

var c #

get c => indices[2];
set c(int i) { indices[2] = i; }

Vector3 centroid #

inherited from Face
Vector3 centroid

Color color #

inherited from Face
Color color

var d #

get d => indices[3];
set d(int i) { indices[3] = i; }

List<int> indices #

inherited from Face
List<int> indices

int materialIndex #

inherited from Face
int materialIndex

Vector3 normal #

inherited from Face
Vector3 normal

final int size #

inherited from Face
int get size => indices.length;

List vertexColors #

inherited from Face
List vertexNormals, vertexColors

List vertexNormals #

inherited from Face
List vertexNormals

List vertexTangents #

inherited from Face
List vertexNormals, vertexColors, vertexTangents


dynamic clone() #

clone() => new Face4(a, b, c, d).setFrom(this);

Face setFrom(Face other) #

inherited from Face
Face setFrom(Face other) {
 color.copy( other.color );

 materialIndex = other.materialIndex;

 vertexNormals = other.vertexNormals.map((Vector3 v) => v.clone()).toList();
 vertexColors = other.vertexColors.map((Vector3 v) => v.clone()).toList();
 vertexTangents = other.vertexTangents.map((Vector3 v) => v.clone()).toList();

 return this;