Dart DocumentationthreeMorphAnimMesh

MorphAnimMesh class

class MorphAnimMesh extends Mesh {
 num duration;
 bool mirroredLoop;
 num time;

 num lastKeyframe, currentKeyframe;

 num direction;
 bool directionBackwards;

 num _startKeyframe, _endKeyframe, _length;

 MorphAnimMesh(Geometry geometry, Material material)
     : duration = 1000, // milliseconds
       mirroredLoop = false,
       time = 0,

       lastKeyframe = 0,
       currentKeyframe = 0,

       direction = 1,
       directionBackwards = false,

       super(geometry, material) {

       setFrameRange( 0, geometry.morphTargets.length - 1 );

 setFrameRange( start, end ) {
   _startKeyframe = start;
   _endKeyframe = end;

   _length = _endKeyframe - _startKeyframe + 1;

 setDirectionForward() {
   direction = 1;
   directionBackwards = false;

 setDirectionBackward() {
   direction = -1;
   directionBackwards = true;

 parseAnimations() {

   if ( geometry["animations"] == null ) geometry["animations"] = {};

   var firstAnimation, animations = geometry["animations"];

   RegExp pattern = new RegExp('''([a-z]+)(\d+)''');

   var il = geometry.morphTargets.length;
   for ( var i = 0; i < il; i ++ ) {

     var morph = geometry.morphTargets[ i ];
     // TODO(aforsell) Is this really correct use of RegExp?
     var parts = morph.name.allMatches( pattern.toString() ).toList();

     if ( parts && parts.length > 1 ) {

       var label = parts[ 1 ];
       var num = parts[ 2 ];

       if ( ! animations[ label ] ) animations[ label ] = { "start": double.INFINITY, "end": double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY };

       var animation = animations[ label ];

       if ( i < animation.start ) animation.start = i;
       if ( i > animation.end ) animation.end = i;

       if ( ! firstAnimation ) firstAnimation = label;



   geometry["firstAnimation"] = firstAnimation;


 setAnimationLabel( label, start, end ) {

   if ( geometry["animations"] == null ) geometry["animations"] = {};

   geometry["animations"][ label ] = { "start": start, "end": end };


 playAnimation( label, fps ) {

   var animation = geometry["animations"][ label ];

   if ( animation != null) {

     setFrameRange( animation.start, animation.end );
     duration = 1000 * ( ( animation.end - animation.start ) / fps );
     time = 0;

   } else {

     print( "animation[$label] undefined" );



 updateAnimation( delta ) {

   var frameTime = duration / _length;

   time += direction * delta;

   if ( mirroredLoop ) {

     if ( time > duration || time < 0 ) {

       direction *= -1;

       if ( time > duration ) {

         time = duration;
         directionBackwards = true;


       if ( time < 0 ) {

         time = 0;
         directionBackwards = false;



   } else {

     time = time % duration;

     if ( time < 0 ) time += duration;


   var keyframe = _startKeyframe + ThreeMath.clamp( ( time / frameTime ).floor(), 0, _length - 1 );

   if ( keyframe != currentKeyframe ) {

     morphTargetInfluences[ lastKeyframe ] = 0;
     morphTargetInfluences[ currentKeyframe ] = 1;

     morphTargetInfluences[ keyframe ] = 0;

     lastKeyframe = currentKeyframe;
     currentKeyframe = keyframe;


   var mix = ( time % frameTime ) / frameTime;

   if ( directionBackwards ) {

     mix = 1 - mix;


   morphTargetInfluences[ currentKeyframe ] = mix;
   morphTargetInfluences[ lastKeyframe ] = 1 - mix;



Object3D > Mesh > MorphAnimMesh


new MorphAnimMesh(Geometry geometry, Material material) #

Creates a new Object instance.

Object instances have no meaningful state, and are only useful through their identity. An Object instance is equal to itself only.

docs inherited from Object
MorphAnimMesh(Geometry geometry, Material material)
   : duration = 1000, // milliseconds
     mirroredLoop = false,
     time = 0,

     lastKeyframe = 0,
     currentKeyframe = 0,

     direction = 1,
     directionBackwards = false,

     super(geometry, material) {

     setFrameRange( 0, geometry.morphTargets.length - 1 );


num boundRadius #

inherited from Object3D
num boundRadius

num boundRadiusScale #

inherited from Object3D
num boundRadius, boundRadiusScale

bool castShadow #

inherited from Object3D
bool visible = false, castShadow = false

List children #

inherited from Object3D
List children

num currentKeyframe #

num lastKeyframe, currentKeyframe

var customDepthMaterial #

inherited from Object3D
var customDepthMaterial

num direction #

num direction

bool directionBackwards #

bool directionBackwards

bool doubleSided #

inherited from Object3D
bool _dynamic, doubleSided

num duration #

num duration

String eulerOrder #

inherited from Object3D
String eulerOrder

bool flipSided #

inherited from Object3D
bool _dynamic, doubleSided, flipSided

bool frustumCulled #

inherited from Object3D
bool visible = false, castShadow = false, receiveShadow = false, frustumCulled = false

Geometry geometry #

inherited from Mesh
Geometry geometry

int id #

inherited from Object3D
int id

bool isDynamic #

inherited from Object3D
bool get isDynamic => _dynamic;
set isDynamic(bool flag) => _dynamic = flag;

num lastKeyframe #

num lastKeyframe

Material material #

inherited from Mesh
Material material

Matrix4 matrix #

inherited from Object3D
Matrix4 matrix

bool matrixAutoUpdate #

inherited from Object3D
bool matrixAutoUpdate = false

Matrix4 matrixRotationWorld #

inherited from Object3D
Matrix4 matrix, matrixWorld, matrixRotationWorld

Matrix4 matrixWorld #

inherited from Object3D
Matrix4 matrix, matrixWorld

bool matrixWorldNeedsUpdate #

inherited from Object3D
bool matrixAutoUpdate = false, matrixWorldNeedsUpdate = false

bool mirroredLoop #

bool mirroredLoop

num morphTargetBase #

inherited from Mesh
num morphTargetBase = 0

List morphTargetForcedOrder #

inherited from Mesh
List morphTargetForcedOrder

List morphTargetInfluences #

inherited from Mesh
List morphTargetInfluences

String name #

inherited from Object3D
String name

Object3D parent #

inherited from Object3D
Object3D parent

Vector3 position #

inherited from Object3D
Vector3 up, position

Map properties #

inherited from Object3D
Map properties

var quaternion #

inherited from Object3D
var quaternion

bool receiveShadow #

inherited from Object3D
bool visible = false, castShadow = false, receiveShadow = false

int renderDepth #

inherited from Object3D
int renderDepth

Vector3 rotation #

inherited from Object3D
Vector3 up, position, rotation

bool rotationAutoUpdate #

inherited from Object3D
bool _dynamic, doubleSided, flipSided, rotationAutoUpdate

Vector3 scale #

inherited from Object3D
Vector3 up, position, rotation, scale

num time #

num time

Vector3 up #

inherited from Object3D
Vector3 up

bool useQuaternion #

inherited from Object3D
bool useQuaternion

bool visible #

inherited from Object3D
bool visible = false


dynamic operator [](String key) #

inherited from Object3D
operator [] (String key) => _data[key];

dynamic operator []=(String key, value) #

inherited from Object3D
operator []= (String key, value) => _data[key] = value;


void add(Object3D object) #

inherited from Object3D
void add( Object3D object ) {
 if ( object == this ) {
   print( 'THREE.Object3D.add: An object can\'t be added as a child of itself.' );

 if ( object.parent != null ) {
   object.parent.remove( object );

 object.parent = this;
 children.add( object );

 // add to scene
 Object3D scene = this;

 while ( scene.parent != null ) {
   scene = scene.parent;

 if ( scene is Scene ) {
   scene.addObject( object );


void applyMatrix(Matrix4 matrix) #

inherited from Object3D
void applyMatrix ( Matrix4 matrix ) {
 this.matrix = matrix * this.matrix;

 this.scale = getScaleFromMatrix( this.matrix );

 Matrix4 mat = extractRotation(new Matrix4.identity(), this.matrix );
 this.rotation = calcEulerFromRotationMatrix( mat, this.eulerOrder );

 this.position = this.matrix.getTranslation();

dynamic clone() #

inherited from Object3D
clone() {

 // TODO


Object3D getChildByName(String name, bool doRecurse) #

inherited from Object3D
Object3D getChildByName( String name, bool doRecurse ) {
 int c;
 int cl = children.length;
 Object3D child, recurseResult;


   if ( child.name == name ) {
     return child;

   if ( doRecurse ) {
     recurseResult = child.getChildByName( name, doRecurse );

     if ( recurseResult != null ) {
       return recurseResult;

 return null;

num getMorphTargetIndexByName(name) #

inherited from Mesh
num getMorphTargetIndexByName( name ) {
 if ( _morphTargetDictionary[ name ] != null ) {
   return _morphTargetDictionary[ name ];

 print( "THREE.Mesh.getMorphTargetIndexByName: morph target $name does not exist. Returning 0." );
 return 0;

dynamic localToWorld(Vector3 vector) #

inherited from Object3D
localToWorld(Vector3 vector) => vector.applyProjection(matrixWorld);

void lookAt(Vector3 vector) #

inherited from Object3D
void lookAt( Vector3 vector ) {
 // TODO: Add hierarchy support.

 makeLookAt( matrix, vector, position, up );

 if ( rotationAutoUpdate ) {
     rotation = calcEulerFromRotationMatrix( matrix, eulerOrder );

dynamic parseAnimations() #

parseAnimations() {

 if ( geometry["animations"] == null ) geometry["animations"] = {};

 var firstAnimation, animations = geometry["animations"];

 RegExp pattern = new RegExp('''([a-z]+)(\d+)''');

 var il = geometry.morphTargets.length;
 for ( var i = 0; i < il; i ++ ) {

   var morph = geometry.morphTargets[ i ];
   // TODO(aforsell) Is this really correct use of RegExp?
   var parts = morph.name.allMatches( pattern.toString() ).toList();

   if ( parts && parts.length > 1 ) {

     var label = parts[ 1 ];
     var num = parts[ 2 ];

     if ( ! animations[ label ] ) animations[ label ] = { "start": double.INFINITY, "end": double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY };

     var animation = animations[ label ];

     if ( i < animation.start ) animation.start = i;
     if ( i > animation.end ) animation.end = i;

     if ( ! firstAnimation ) firstAnimation = label;



 geometry["firstAnimation"] = firstAnimation;


dynamic playAnimation(label, fps) #

playAnimation( label, fps ) {

 var animation = geometry["animations"][ label ];

 if ( animation != null) {

   setFrameRange( animation.start, animation.end );
   duration = 1000 * ( ( animation.end - animation.start ) / fps );
   time = 0;

 } else {

   print( "animation[$label] undefined" );



void remove(Object3D object) #

inherited from Object3D
void remove( Object3D object ) {

 int index = children.indexOf( object );

 if ( index != - 1 ){

   object.parent = null;

   // remove from scene
   Object3D scene = this;

   while ( scene.parent != null ) {
     scene = scene.parent;

   if (scene is Scene ) {
     scene.removeObject( object );

dynamic setAnimationLabel(label, start, end) #

setAnimationLabel( label, start, end ) {

 if ( geometry["animations"] == null ) geometry["animations"] = {};

 geometry["animations"][ label ] = { "start": start, "end": end };


dynamic setDirectionBackward() #

setDirectionBackward() {
 direction = -1;
 directionBackwards = true;

dynamic setDirectionForward() #

setDirectionForward() {
 direction = 1;
 directionBackwards = false;

dynamic setFrameRange(start, end) #

setFrameRange( start, end ) {
 _startKeyframe = start;
 _endKeyframe = end;

 _length = _endKeyframe - _startKeyframe + 1;

void translate(num distance, Vector3 axis) #

inherited from Object3D
void translate( num distance, Vector3 axis ) {
 matrix.rotate3( axis );
 position.add( axis.scale( distance ) );

void translateX(num distance) #

inherited from Object3D
void translateX( num distance ) => translate( distance, _vector.setValues( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) );

void translateY(num distance) #

inherited from Object3D
void translateY( num distance ) => translate( distance, _vector.setValues( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ) );

void translateZ(num distance) #

inherited from Object3D
void translateZ( num distance ) => translate( distance, _vector.setValues( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ) );

dynamic updateAnimation(delta) #

updateAnimation( delta ) {

 var frameTime = duration / _length;

 time += direction * delta;

 if ( mirroredLoop ) {

   if ( time > duration || time < 0 ) {

     direction *= -1;

     if ( time > duration ) {

       time = duration;
       directionBackwards = true;


     if ( time < 0 ) {

       time = 0;
       directionBackwards = false;



 } else {

   time = time % duration;

   if ( time < 0 ) time += duration;


 var keyframe = _startKeyframe + ThreeMath.clamp( ( time / frameTime ).floor(), 0, _length - 1 );

 if ( keyframe != currentKeyframe ) {

   morphTargetInfluences[ lastKeyframe ] = 0;
   morphTargetInfluences[ currentKeyframe ] = 1;

   morphTargetInfluences[ keyframe ] = 0;

   lastKeyframe = currentKeyframe;
   currentKeyframe = keyframe;


 var mix = ( time % frameTime ) / frameTime;

 if ( directionBackwards ) {

   mix = 1 - mix;


 morphTargetInfluences[ currentKeyframe ] = mix;
 morphTargetInfluences[ lastKeyframe ] = 1 - mix;


void updateMatrix() #

inherited from Object3D
void updateMatrix() {

 if ( useQuaternion ) {
   setRotationFromQuaternion( matrix, quaternion );
 } else {
   setRotationFromEuler( matrix, rotation, eulerOrder );

 matrix.setTranslation( position );

 if ( scale.x != 1.0 || scale.y != 1.0 || scale.z != 1.0 ) {
   matrix.scale( scale );
   boundRadiusScale = Math.max( scale.x, Math.max( scale.y, scale.z ) );

 matrixWorldNeedsUpdate = true;

void updateMatrixWorld({bool force: false}) #

inherited from Object3D
void updateMatrixWorld( {bool force: false} ) {

if (matrixAutoUpdate) updateMatrix();

 // update matrixWorld
 if ( matrixWorldNeedsUpdate || force ) {
   if ( parent != null ) {
     matrixWorld = parent.matrixWorld * matrix;
   } else {
     matrixWorld = matrix.clone();

   matrixWorldNeedsUpdate = false;

   force = true;

 // update children
 children.forEach((c) => c.updateMatrixWorld( force: force ) );


dynamic worldToLocal(Vector3 vector) #

inherited from Object3D
worldToLocal(Vector3 vector) {
 Matrix4 m = this.matrixWorld.clone();
 m.transform3( vector );