Dart DocumentationthreeMeshNormalMaterial

MeshNormalMaterial class

@author mr.doob / http://mrdoob.com/

Ported to Dart from JS by: @author rob silverton / http://www.unwrong.com/

parameters = { opacity: <float>,

shading: THREE.FlatShading, blending: THREE.NormalBlending, depthTest: <bool>,

wireframe: <boolean>, wireframeLinewidth: <float> }

class MeshNormalMaterial extends Material {
 //Map _parameters;
 int shading;
 bool wireframe;
 num wireframeLinewidth;
 String wireframeLinecap;
 String wireframeLinejoin;

 MeshNormalMaterial( { // MeshNormalMaterial
                       this.shading: FlatShading, // doesn't really apply here, normals are not used
                       this.wireframe: false,
                       this.wireframeLinewidth: 1,

                       // Material
                       name: '',
                       side: FrontSide,

                       opacity: 1,
                       transparent: false,

                       blending: NormalBlending,
                       blendSrc: SrcAlphaFactor,
                       blendDst: OneMinusSrcAlphaFactor,
                       blendEquation: AddEquation,

                       depthTest: true,
                       depthWrite: true,

                       polygonOffset: false,
                       polygonOffsetFactor: 0,
                       polygonOffsetUnits: 0,

                       alphaTest: 0,

                       overdraw: false,

                       visible: true })

                         super(  name: name,
                                 side: side,
                                 opacity: opacity,
                                 transparent: transparent,
                                 blending: blending,
                                 blendSrc: blendSrc,
                                 blendDst: blendDst,
                                 blendEquation: blendEquation,
                                 depthTest: depthTest,
                                 depthWrite: depthWrite,
                                 polygonOffset: polygonOffset,
                                 polygonOffsetFactor: polygonOffsetFactor,
                                 polygonOffsetUnits: polygonOffsetUnits,
                                 alphaTest: alphaTest,
                                 overdraw: overdraw,
                                 visible: visible );


Material > MeshNormalMaterial


new MeshNormalMaterial({int shading: FlatShading, bool wireframe: false, num wireframeLinewidth: 1, name: '', side: FrontSide, opacity: 1, transparent: false, blending: NormalBlending, blendSrc: SrcAlphaFactor, blendDst: OneMinusSrcAlphaFactor, blendEquation: AddEquation, depthTest: true, depthWrite: true, polygonOffset: false, polygonOffsetFactor: 0, polygonOffsetUnits: 0, alphaTest: 0, overdraw: false, visible: true}) #

Creates a new Object instance.

Object instances have no meaningful state, and are only useful through their identity. An Object instance is equal to itself only.

docs inherited from Object
MeshNormalMaterial( { // MeshNormalMaterial
                     this.shading: FlatShading, // doesn't really apply here, normals are not used
                     this.wireframe: false,
                     this.wireframeLinewidth: 1,

                     // Material
                     name: '',
                     side: FrontSide,

                     opacity: 1,
                     transparent: false,

                     blending: NormalBlending,
                     blendSrc: SrcAlphaFactor,
                     blendDst: OneMinusSrcAlphaFactor,
                     blendEquation: AddEquation,

                     depthTest: true,
                     depthWrite: true,

                     polygonOffset: false,
                     polygonOffsetFactor: 0,
                     polygonOffsetUnits: 0,

                     alphaTest: 0,

                     overdraw: false,

                     visible: true })

                       super(  name: name,
                               side: side,
                               opacity: opacity,
                               transparent: transparent,
                               blending: blending,
                               blendSrc: blendSrc,
                               blendDst: blendDst,
                               blendEquation: blendEquation,
                               depthTest: depthTest,
                               depthWrite: depthWrite,
                               polygonOffset: polygonOffset,
                               polygonOffsetFactor: polygonOffsetFactor,
                               polygonOffsetUnits: polygonOffsetUnits,
                               alphaTest: alphaTest,
                               overdraw: overdraw,
                               visible: visible );


num alphaTest #

inherited from Material
num alphaTest

int blendDst #

inherited from Material
int blending, blendSrc, blendDst

int blendEquation #

inherited from Material
int blending, blendSrc, blendDst, blendEquation

int blending #

inherited from Material
int blending

int blendSrc #

inherited from Material
int blending, blendSrc

bool depthTest #

inherited from Material
bool transparent, depthTest

bool depthWrite #

inherited from Material
bool transparent, depthTest, depthWrite

int id #

inherited from Material
int id

String name #

inherited from Material
String name

bool needsUpdate #

inherited from Material
bool needsUpdate

num opacity #

inherited from Material
num opacity

bool overdraw #

inherited from Material
bool transparent, depthTest, depthWrite, overdraw

bool polygonOffset #

inherited from Material
bool polygonOffset

int polygonOffsetFactor #

inherited from Material
int polygonOffsetFactor

int polygonOffsetUnits #

inherited from Material
int polygonOffsetFactor, polygonOffsetUnits

int shading #

int shading

int side #

inherited from Material
int side

bool transparent #

inherited from Material
bool transparent

bool visible #

inherited from Material
bool visible

bool wireframe #

bool wireframe

String wireframeLinecap #

String wireframeLinecap

String wireframeLinejoin #

String wireframeLinejoin

num wireframeLinewidth #

num wireframeLinewidth


dynamic operator [](String key) #

inherited from Material
operator [] (String key) => _data[key];

dynamic operator []=(String key, value) #

inherited from Material
operator []= (String key, value) => _data[key] = value;