vector_math library
void buildPlaneVectors(Vector3 planeNormal, Vector3 u, Vector3 v) #
Sets u and v to be two vectors orthogonal to each other and planeNormal.
void buildPlaneVectors(final Vector3 planeNormal, Vector3 u, Vector3 v) { if (planeNormal.z.abs() > sqrtOneHalf) { // choose u in y-z plane double a = planeNormal.y*planeNormal.y + planeNormal.z*planeNormal.z; double k = 1.0/Math.sqrt(a); u.x = 0.0; u.y = -planeNormal.z*k; u.z = planeNormal.y*k; v.x = a*k; v.y = -planeNormal[0]*(planeNormal[1]*k); v.z = planeNormal[0]*(-planeNormal[2]*k); } else { // choose u in x-y plane double a = planeNormal.x*planeNormal.x + planeNormal.y*planeNormal.y; double k = 1.0/Math.sqrt(a); u.x = -planeNormal[1]*k; u.y = planeNormal[0]*k; u.z = 0.0; v.x = -planeNormal[2]*(planeNormal[0]*k); v.y = planeNormal[2]*(-planeNormal[1]*k); v.z = a*k; } }
void cross2B(Vector2 x, double y, Vector2 out) #
2D cross product. vec2 x double.
void cross2B(Vector2 x, double y, Vector2 out) { var tempy = -y * x.x; out.x = y * x.y; out.y = tempy; }
void cross2A(double x, Vector2 y, Vector2 out) #
2D cross product. double x vec2.
void cross2A(double x, Vector2 y, Vector2 out) { var tempy = x * y.x; out.x = -x * y.y; out.y = tempy; }
double cross2(Vector2 x, Vector2 y) #
2D cross product. vec2 x vec2.
double cross2(Vector2 x, Vector2 y) { return x.cross(y); }
void cross3(Vector3 x, Vector3 y, Vector3 out) #
3D Cross product.
void cross3(Vector3 x, Vector3 y, Vector3 out) { x.crossInto(y, out); }
bool pickRay(Matrix4 cameraMatrix, num viewportX, num viewportWidth, num viewportY, num viewportHeight, num pickX, num pickY, Vector3 rayNear, Vector3 rayFar) #
On success, rayNear and rayFar are the points where the screen space pickX, pickY intersect with the near and far planes respectively.
The viewport is specified by ( viewportX, viewportWidth) and ( viewportY, viewportHeight).
cameraMatrix includes both the projection and view transforms.
Returns false on error, for example, the mouse is not in the viewport
bool pickRay(Matrix4 cameraMatrix, num viewportX, num viewportWidth, num viewportY, num viewportHeight, num pickX, num pickY, Vector3 rayNear, Vector3 rayFar) { bool r; r = unproject(cameraMatrix, viewportX, viewportWidth, viewportY, viewportHeight, pickX, viewportHeight-pickY, 0.0, rayNear); if (!r) { return false; } r = unproject(cameraMatrix, viewportX, viewportWidth, viewportY, viewportHeight, pickX, viewportHeight-pickY, 1.0, rayFar); return r; }
bool unproject(Matrix4 cameraMatrix, num viewportX, num viewportWidth, num viewportY, num viewportHeight, num pickX, num pickY, num pickZ, Vector3 pickWorld) #
On success, Sets pickWorld to be the world space position of the screen space pickX, pickY, and pickZ.
The viewport is specified by ( viewportX, viewportWidth) and ( viewportY, viewportHeight).
cameraMatrix includes both the projection and view transforms.
pickZ is typically either 0.0 (near plane) or 1.0 (far plane).
Returns false on error, for example, the mouse is not in the viewport
bool unproject(Matrix4 cameraMatrix, num viewportX, num viewportWidth, num viewportY, num viewportHeight, num pickX, num pickY, num pickZ, Vector3 pickWorld) { viewportX = viewportX.toDouble(); viewportWidth = viewportWidth.toDouble(); viewportY = viewportY.toDouble(); viewportHeight = viewportHeight.toDouble(); pickX = pickX.toDouble(); pickY = pickY.toDouble(); pickX = (pickX - viewportX); pickY = (pickY - viewportY); pickX = (2.0 * pickX / viewportWidth) - 1.0; pickY = (2.0 * pickY / viewportHeight) - 1.0; pickZ = (2.0 * pickZ) - 1.0; // Check if pick point is inside unit cube if (pickX < -1.0 || pickY < -1.0 || pickX > 1.0 || pickY > 1.0 || pickZ < -1.0 || pickZ > 1.0) { return false; } // Copy camera matrix. Matrix4 invertedCameraMatrix = new Matrix4.copy(cameraMatrix); // Invert the camera matrix. invertedCameraMatrix.invert(); // Determine intersection point. Vector4 v = new Vector4(pickX, pickY, pickZ, 1.0); invertedCameraMatrix.transform(v); if (v.w == 0.0) { return false; } double invW = 1.0 / v.w; pickWorld.x = v.x * invW; pickWorld.y = v.y * invW; pickWorld.z = v.z * invW; return true; }
Matrix4 makePlaneReflection(Vector3 planeNormal, Vector3 planePoint) #
Returns a transformation matrix that transforms points by reflecting them through the plane specified with planeNormal and planePoint
Matrix4 makePlaneReflection(Vector3 planeNormal, Vector3 planePoint) { Vector4 v = new Vector4([0],[1],[2], 0.0); Matrix4 outer = new Matrix4.outer(v,v); outer.scale(2.0); Matrix4 r = new; r = r - outer; double scale = 2.0 * dot3(planePoint, planeNormal); Vector3 scaledNormal = (planeNormal.scaled(scale)); Vector4 T = new Vector4([0],[1],[2], 1.0); r.setColumn(3, T); return r; }
Matrix4 makePlaneProjection(Vector3 planeNormal, Vector3 planePoint) #
Returns a transformation matrix that transforms points onto the plane specified with planeNormal and planePoint
Matrix4 makePlaneProjection(Vector3 planeNormal, Vector3 planePoint) { Vector4 v = new Vector4([0],[1],[2], 0.0); Matrix4 outer = new Matrix4.outer(v, v); Matrix4 r = new; r = r - outer; Vector3 scaledNormal = (planeNormal.scaled(dot3(planePoint, planeNormal))); Vector4 T = new Vector4([0],[1],[2], 1.0); r.setColumn(3, T); return r; }
Matrix4 makeOrthographicMatrix(num left, num right, num bottom, num top, num near, num far) #
Constructs a new OpenGL orthographic projection matrix.
left, right specify the coordinates for the left and right vertical clipping planes. bottom, top specify the coordinates for the bottom and top horizontal clipping planes. near, far specify the coordinates to the near and far depth clipping planes.
Matrix4 makeOrthographicMatrix(num left, num right, num bottom, num top, num near, num far) { Matrix4 r = new; setOrthographicMatrix(r, left, right, bottom, top, near, far); return r; }
void setOrthographicMatrix(Matrix4 orthographicMatrix, num left, num right, num bottom, num top, num near, num far) #
Constructs an OpenGL orthographic projection matrix in orthographicMatrix.
left, right specify the coordinates for the left and right vertical clipping planes. bottom, top specify the coordinates for the bottom and top horizontal clipping planes. near, far specify the coordinates to the near and far depth clipping planes.
void setOrthographicMatrix(Matrix4 orthographicMatrix, num left, num right, num bottom, num top, num near, num far) { left = left.toDouble(); right = right.toDouble(); bottom = bottom.toDouble(); top = top.toDouble(); near = near.toDouble(); far = far.toDouble(); double rml = right - left; double rpl = right + left; double tmb = top - bottom; double tpb = top + bottom; double fmn = far - near; double fpn = far + near; Matrix4 r = orthographicMatrix.setZero(); r.setEntry(0, 0, 2.0/rml); r.setEntry(1, 1, 2.0/tmb); r.setEntry(2, 2, -2.0/fmn); r.setEntry(0, 3, -rpl/rml); r.setEntry(1, 3, -tpb/tmb); r.setEntry(2, 3, -fpn/fmn); r.setEntry(3, 3, 1.0); }
Matrix4 makeFrustumMatrix(num left, num right, num bottom, num top, num near, num far) #
Constructs a new OpenGL perspective projection matrix.
left, right specify the coordinates for the left and right vertical clipping planes. bottom, top specify the coordinates for the bottom and top horizontal clipping planes. near, far specify the coordinates to the near and far depth clipping planes.
Matrix4 makeFrustumMatrix(num left, num right, num bottom, num top, num near, num far) { Matrix4 view = new; setFrustumMatrix(view, left, right, bottom, top, near, far); return view; }
void setFrustumMatrix(Matrix4 perspectiveMatrix, num left, num right, num bottom, num top, num near, num far) #
Constructs an OpenGL perspective projection matrix in perspectiveMatrix.
left, right specify the coordinates for the left and right vertical clipping planes. bottom, top specify the coordinates for the bottom and top horizontal clipping planes. near, far specify the coordinates to the near and far depth clipping planes.
void setFrustumMatrix(Matrix4 perspectiveMatrix, num left, num right, num bottom, num top, num near, num far) { left = left.toDouble(); right = right.toDouble(); bottom = bottom.toDouble(); top = top.toDouble(); near = near.toDouble(); far = far.toDouble(); double two_near = 2.0 * near; double right_minus_left = right - left; double top_minus_bottom = top - bottom; double far_minus_near = far - near; Matrix4 view = perspectiveMatrix.setZero(); view.setEntry(0, 0, two_near / right_minus_left); view.setEntry(1, 1, two_near / top_minus_bottom); view.setEntry(0, 2, (right + left) / right_minus_left); view.setEntry(1, 2, (top + bottom) / top_minus_bottom); view.setEntry(2, 2, -(far + near) / far_minus_near); view.setEntry(3, 2, -1.0); view.setEntry(2, 3, -(two_near * far) / far_minus_near); }
Matrix4 makePerspectiveMatrix(num fovYRadians, num aspectRatio, num zNear, num zFar) #
Constructs a new OpenGL perspective projection matrix.
fovYRadians specifies the field of view angle, in radians, in the y direction. aspectRatio specifies the aspect ratio that determines the field of view in the x direction. The aspect ratio of x (width) to y (height). zNear specifies the distance from the viewer to the near plane (always positive). zFar specifies the distance from the viewer to the far plane (always positive).
Matrix4 makePerspectiveMatrix(num fovYRadians, num aspectRatio, num zNear, num zFar) { double height = Math.tan(fovYRadians.toDouble() * 0.5) * zNear.toDouble(); double width = height * aspectRatio.toDouble(); return makeFrustumMatrix(-width, width, -height, height, zNear, zFar); }
void setPerspectiveMatrix(Matrix4 perspectiveMatrix, num fovYRadians, num aspectRatio, num zNear, num zFar) #
Constructs an OpenGL perspective projection matrix in perspectiveMatrix.
fovYRadians specifies the field of view angle, in radians, in the y direction. aspectRatio specifies the aspect ratio that determines the field of view in the x direction. The aspect ratio of x (width) to y (height). zNear specifies the distance from the viewer to the near plane (always positive). zFar specifies the distance from the viewer to the far plane (always positive).
void setPerspectiveMatrix(Matrix4 perspectiveMatrix, num fovYRadians, num aspectRatio, num zNear, num zFar) { double height = Math.tan(fovYRadians.toDouble() * 0.5) * zNear.toDouble(); double width = height * aspectRatio.toDouble(); setFrustumMatrix(perspectiveMatrix, -width, width, -height, height, zNear, zFar); }
Matrix4 makeViewMatrix(Vector3 cameraPosition, Vector3 cameraFocusPosition, Vector3 upDirection) #
Constructs a new OpenGL view matrix.
cameraPosition specifies the position of the camera. cameraFocusPosition specifies the position the camera is focused on. upDirection specifies the direction of the up vector (usually, +Y).
Matrix4 makeViewMatrix(Vector3 cameraPosition, Vector3 cameraFocusPosition, Vector3 upDirection) { Matrix4 r = new; setViewMatrix(r, cameraPosition, cameraFocusPosition, upDirection); return r; }
void setViewMatrix(Matrix4 viewMatrix, Vector3 cameraPosition, Vector3 cameraFocusPosition, Vector3 upDirection) #
Constructs an OpenGL view matrix in viewMatrix.
cameraPosition specifies the position of the camera. cameraFocusPosition specifies the position the camera is focused on. upDirection specifies the direction of the up vector (usually, +Y).
void setViewMatrix(Matrix4 viewMatrix, Vector3 cameraPosition, Vector3 cameraFocusPosition, Vector3 upDirection) { Vector3 z = cameraPosition - cameraFocusPosition; z.normalize(); Vector3 x = upDirection.cross(z); x.normalize(); Vector3 y = z.cross(x); y.normalize(); viewMatrix.setZero(); viewMatrix.setEntry(3, 3, 1.0); viewMatrix.setEntry(0, 0, x.x); viewMatrix.setEntry(1, 0, x.y); viewMatrix.setEntry(2, 0, x.z); viewMatrix.setEntry(0, 1, y.x); viewMatrix.setEntry(1, 1, y.y); viewMatrix.setEntry(2, 1, y.z); viewMatrix.setEntry(0, 2, z.x); viewMatrix.setEntry(1, 2, z.y); viewMatrix.setEntry(2, 2, z.z); viewMatrix.transpose(); Vector3 rotatedEye = viewMatrix * -cameraPosition; viewMatrix.setEntry(0, 3, rotatedEye.x); viewMatrix.setEntry(1, 3, rotatedEye.y); viewMatrix.setEntry(2, 3, rotatedEye.z); }
double absoluteError(calculated, correct) #
Returns absolute error between calculated and correct. The type of calculated and correct must match and can be any vector, matrix, or quaternion.
double absoluteError(dynamic calculated, dynamic correct) { if (calculated is double && correct is double) { double diff = (calculated - correct).abs(); return diff; } return calculated.absoluteError(correct); }
double relativeError(calculated, correct) #
Returns relative error between calculated and correct. The type of calculated and correct must match and can be any vector, matrix, or quaternion.
double relativeError(dynamic calculated, dynamic correct) { if (calculated is double && correct is double) { double diff = (calculated - correct).abs(); return diff/correct; } return calculated.relativeError(correct); }