Quaternion class
class Quaternion { final Float32List storage; double get x => storage[0]; double get y => storage[1]; double get z => storage[2]; double get w => storage[3]; set x(double x) { storage[0] = x; } set y(double y) { storage[1] = y; } set z(double z) { storage[2] = z; } set w(double w) { storage[3] = w; } /// Constructs a quaternion using the raw values [x], [y], [z], and [w] Quaternion(double x, double y, double z, double w) : storage = new Float32List(4) { storage[0] = x; storage[1] = y; storage[2] = z; storage[3] = w; } /// From a rotation matrix [rotationMatrix]. Quaternion.fromRotation(Matrix3 rotationMatrix) : storage = new Float32List(4) { double trace = rotationMatrix.trace(); if (trace > 0.0) { double s = Math.sqrt(trace + 1.0); storage[3] = s * 0.5; s = 0.5 / s; storage[0] = (rotationMatrix.storage[5] - rotationMatrix.storage[7]) * s; storage[1] = (rotationMatrix.storage[6] - rotationMatrix.storage[2]) * s; storage[2] = (rotationMatrix.storage[1] - rotationMatrix.storage[3]) * s; } else { int i = rotationMatrix.storage[0] < rotationMatrix.storage[4] ? (rotationMatrix.storage[4] < rotationMatrix.storage[8] ? 2 : 1) : (rotationMatrix.storage[0] < rotationMatrix.storage[8] ? 2 : 0); int j = (i + 1) % 3; int k = (i + 2) % 3; double s = Math.sqrt(rotationMatrix.entry(i,i) - rotationMatrix.entry(j,j) - rotationMatrix.entry(k,k) + 1.0); storage[i] = s * 0.5; s = 0.5 / s; storage[3] = (rotationMatrix.entry(k,j) - rotationMatrix.entry(j,k)) * s; storage[j] = (rotationMatrix.entry(j,i) + rotationMatrix.entry(i,j)) * s; storage[k] = (rotationMatrix.entry(k,i) + rotationMatrix.entry(i,k)) * s; } } /// Rotation of [angle] around [axis]. Quaternion.axisAngle(Vector3 axis, double angle) : storage = new Float32List(4) { setAxisAngle(axis, angle); } /// Copies [original]. Quaternion.copy(Quaternion original) : storage = new Float32List(4) { storage[0] = original.storage[0]; storage[1] = original.storage[1]; storage[2] = original.storage[2]; storage[3] = original.storage[3]; } /// Random rotation. Quaternion.random(Math.Random rn) : storage = new Float32List(4) { // From: "Uniform Random Rotations", Ken Shoemake, Graphics Gems III, // pg. 124-132. double x0 = rn.nextDouble(); double r1 = Math.sqrt(1.0 - x0); double r2 = Math.sqrt(x0); double t1 = Math.PI*2.0 * rn.nextDouble(); double t2 = Math.PI*2.0 * rn.nextDouble(); double c1 = Math.cos(t1); double s1 = Math.sin(t1); double c2 = Math.cos(t2); double s2 = Math.sin(t2); storage[0] = s1 * r1; storage[1] = c1 * r1; storage[2] = s2 * r2; storage[3] = c2 * r2; } /// Constructs the identity quaternion Quaternion.identity() : storage = new Float32List(4) { storage[3] = 1.0; } /// Time derivative of [q] with angular velocity [omega]. Quaternion.dq(Quaternion q, Vector3 omega) : storage = new Float32List(4) { double qx = q.storage[0]; double qy = q.storage[1]; double qz = q.storage[2]; double qw = q.storage[3]; double ox = omega.storage[0]; double oy = omega.storage[1]; double oz = omega.storage[2]; double _x = ox * qw + oy * qz - oz * qy; double _y = oy * qw + oz * qx - ox * qz; double _z = oz * qw + ox * qy - oy * qx; double _w = -ox * qx - oy * qy - oz * qz; storage[0] = _x * 0.5; storage[1] = _y * 0.5; storage[2] = _z * 0.5; storage[3] = _w * 0.5; } /// Quaternion view of [storage]. Quaternion.view(this.storage); /// Returns a new copy of this Quaternion clone() { return new Quaternion.copy(this); } /// Copy [source] into [this] void copyFrom(Quaternion source) { storage[0] = source.storage[0]; storage[1] = source.storage[1]; storage[2] = source.storage[2]; storage[3] = source.storage[3]; } /// Copy [this] into [target]. void copyTo(Quaternion target) { target.storage[0] = storage[0]; target.storage[1] = storage[1]; target.storage[2] = storage[2]; target.storage[3] = storage[3]; } /// Set quaternion with rotation of [radians] around [axis]. void setAxisAngle(Vector3 axis, double radians) { double len = axis.length; if (len == 0.0) { return; } double halfSin = Math.sin(radians * 0.5) / len; storage[0] = axis.storage[0] * halfSin; storage[1] = axis.storage[1] * halfSin; storage[2] = axis.storage[2] * halfSin; storage[3] = Math.cos(radians * 0.5); } /// Set quaternion with rotation of [yaw], [pitch] and [roll]. void setEuler(double yaw, double pitch, double roll) { double halfYaw = yaw * 0.5; double halfPitch = pitch * 0.5; double halfRoll = roll * 0.5; double cosYaw = Math.cos(halfYaw); double sinYaw = Math.sin(halfYaw); double cosPitch = Math.cos(halfPitch); double sinPitch = Math.sin(halfPitch); double cosRoll = Math.cos(halfRoll); double sinRoll = Math.sin(halfRoll); storage[0] = cosRoll * sinPitch * cosYaw + sinRoll * cosPitch * sinYaw; storage[1] = cosRoll * cosPitch * sinYaw - sinRoll * sinPitch * cosYaw; storage[2] = sinRoll * cosPitch * cosYaw - cosRoll * sinPitch * sinYaw; storage[3] = cosRoll * cosPitch * cosYaw + sinRoll * sinPitch * sinYaw; } /// Normalize [this]. Quaternion normalize() { double l = length; if (l == 0.0) { return this; } l = 1.0 / l; storage[3] = storage[3] * l; storage[2] = storage[2] * l; storage[1] = storage[1] * l; storage[0] = storage[0] * l; return this; } /// Conjugate [this]. Quaternion conjugate() { storage[2] = -storage[2]; storage[1] = -storage[1]; storage[0] = -storage[0]; return this; } /// Invert [this]. Quaternion inverse() { double l = 1.0 / length2; storage[3] = storage[3] * l; storage[2] = -storage[2] * l; storage[1] = -storage[1] * l; storage[0] = -storage[0] * l; return this; } /// Normalized copy of [this]. Quaternion normalized() { return new Quaternion.copy(this).normalize(); } /// Conjugated copy of [this]. Quaternion conjugated() { return new Quaternion.copy(this).conjugate(); } /// Inverted copy of [this]. Quaternion inverted() { return new Quaternion.copy(this).inverse(); } /// Radians of rotation. double get radians => 2.0 * Math.acos(storage[3]); /// Axis of rotation. Vector3 get axis { double scale = 1.0 / (1.0 - (storage[3] * storage[3])); return new Vector3(storage[0] * scale, storage[1] * scale, storage[2] * scale); } /// Length squared. double get length2 { double _x = storage[0]; double _y = storage[1]; double _z = storage[2]; double _w = storage[3]; return (_x * _x) + (_y * _y) + (_z * _z) + (_w * _w); } /// Length. double get length { return Math.sqrt(length2); } /// Returns a copy of [v] rotated by quaternion. Vector3 rotated(Vector3 v) { Vector3 out = new Vector3.copy(v); return rotate(out); } /// Rotates [v] by [this]. Vector3 rotate(Vector3 v) { // conjugate(this) * [v,0] * this double _w = storage[3]; double _z = storage[2]; double _y = storage[1]; double _x = storage[0]; double tiw = _w; double tiz = -_z; double tiy = -_y; double tix = -_x; double tx = tiw * v.x + tix * 0.0 + tiy * v.z - tiz * v.y; double ty = tiw * v.y + tiy * 0.0 + tiz * v.x - tix * v.z; double tz = tiw * v.z + tiz * 0.0 + tix * v.y - tiy * v.x; double tw = tiw * 0.0 - tix * v.x - tiy * v.y - tiz * v.z; double result_x = tw * _x + tx * _w + ty * _z - tz * _y; double result_y = tw * _y + ty * _w + tz * _x - tx * _z; double result_z = tw * _z + tz * _w + tx * _y - ty * _x; v.storage[2] = result_z; v.storage[1] = result_y; v.storage[0] = result_x; return v; } /// Scales [this] by [scale]. Quaternion scale(double scale) { storage[3] = storage[3] * scale; storage[2] = storage[2] * scale; storage[1] = storage[1] * scale; storage[0] = storage[0] * scale; return this; } /// Scaled copy of [this]. Quaternion scaled(double scale) { Quaternion q = new Quaternion.copy(this); return q.scale(scale); } /// [this] rotated by [other]. Quaternion operator*(Quaternion other) { double _w = storage[3]; double _z = storage[2]; double _y = storage[1]; double _x = storage[0]; double ow = other.storage[3]; double oz = other.storage[2]; double oy = other.storage[1]; double ox = other.storage[0]; return new Quaternion(_w * ox + _x * ow + _y * oz - _z * oy, _w * oy + _y * ow + _z * ox - _x * oz, _w * oz + _z * ow + _x * oy - _y * ox, _w * ow - _x * ox - _y * oy - _z * oz); } /// Returns copy of [this] + [other]. Quaternion operator+(Quaternion other) { return new Quaternion(storage[0] + other.storage[0], storage[1] + other.storage[1], storage[2] + other.storage[2], storage[3] + other.storage[3]); } /// Returns copy of [this] - [other]. Quaternion operator-(Quaternion other) { return new Quaternion(storage[0] - other.storage[0], storage[1] - other.storage[1], storage[2] - other.storage[2], storage[3] - other.storage[3]); } /// Returns negated copy of [this]. Quaternion operator-() { return new Quaternion(-storage[0], -storage[1], -storage[2], -storage[3]); } double operator[](int i) => storage[i]; void operator[]=(int i, double arg) { storage[i] = arg; } /// Returns a rotation matrix containing the same rotation as [this]. Matrix3 asRotationMatrix() { double d = length2; assert(d != 0.0); double s = 2.0 / d; double _x = storage[0]; double _y = storage[1]; double _z = storage[2]; double _w = storage[3]; double xs = _x * s; double ys = _y * s; double zs = _z * s; double wx = _w * xs; double wy = _w * ys; double wz = _w * zs; double xx = _x * xs; double xy = _x * ys; double xz = _x * zs; double yy = _y * ys; double yz = _y * zs; double zz = _z * zs; return new Matrix3(1.0 - (yy + zz), xy + wz, xz - wy, // column 0 xy - wz, 1.0 - (xx + zz), yz + wx, // column 1 xz + wy, yz - wx, 1.0 - (xx + yy)); // column 2 } /// Printable string. String toString() { return '${storage[0]}, ${storage[1]}, ${storage[2]} @ ${storage[3]}'; } /// Relative error between [this] and [correct]. double relativeError(Quaternion correct) { Quaternion diff = correct - this; double norm_diff = diff.length; double correct_norm = correct.length; return norm_diff/correct_norm; } /// Absolute error between [this] and [correct]. double absoluteError(Quaternion correct) { double this_norm = length; double correct_norm = correct.length; double norm_diff = (this_norm - correct_norm).abs(); return norm_diff; } }
new Quaternion(double x, double y, double z, double w) #
Constructs a quaternion using the raw values x, y, z, and w
Quaternion(double x, double y, double z, double w) : storage = new Float32List(4) { storage[0] = x; storage[1] = y; storage[2] = z; storage[3] = w; }
new Quaternion.axisAngle(Vector3 axis, double angle) #
Rotation of angle around axis.
Quaternion.axisAngle(Vector3 axis, double angle) : storage = new Float32List(4) { setAxisAngle(axis, angle); }
new Quaternion.copy(Quaternion original) #
Copies original.
Quaternion.copy(Quaternion original) : storage = new Float32List(4) { storage[0] = original.storage[0]; storage[1] = original.storage[1]; storage[2] = original.storage[2]; storage[3] = original.storage[3]; }
new Quaternion.dq(Quaternion q, Vector3 omega) #
Time derivative of q with angular velocity omega.
Quaternion.dq(Quaternion q, Vector3 omega) : storage = new Float32List(4) { double qx = q.storage[0]; double qy = q.storage[1]; double qz = q.storage[2]; double qw = q.storage[3]; double ox = omega.storage[0]; double oy = omega.storage[1]; double oz = omega.storage[2]; double _x = ox * qw + oy * qz - oz * qy; double _y = oy * qw + oz * qx - ox * qz; double _z = oz * qw + ox * qy - oy * qx; double _w = -ox * qx - oy * qy - oz * qz; storage[0] = _x * 0.5; storage[1] = _y * 0.5; storage[2] = _z * 0.5; storage[3] = _w * 0.5; }
new Quaternion.fromRotation(Matrix3 rotationMatrix) #
From a rotation matrix rotationMatrix.
Quaternion.fromRotation(Matrix3 rotationMatrix) : storage = new Float32List(4) { double trace = rotationMatrix.trace(); if (trace > 0.0) { double s = Math.sqrt(trace + 1.0); storage[3] = s * 0.5; s = 0.5 / s; storage[0] = (rotationMatrix.storage[5] - rotationMatrix.storage[7]) * s; storage[1] = (rotationMatrix.storage[6] - rotationMatrix.storage[2]) * s; storage[2] = (rotationMatrix.storage[1] - rotationMatrix.storage[3]) * s; } else { int i = rotationMatrix.storage[0] < rotationMatrix.storage[4] ? (rotationMatrix.storage[4] < rotationMatrix.storage[8] ? 2 : 1) : (rotationMatrix.storage[0] < rotationMatrix.storage[8] ? 2 : 0); int j = (i + 1) % 3; int k = (i + 2) % 3; double s = Math.sqrt(rotationMatrix.entry(i,i) - rotationMatrix.entry(j,j) - rotationMatrix.entry(k,k) + 1.0); storage[i] = s * 0.5; s = 0.5 / s; storage[3] = (rotationMatrix.entry(k,j) - rotationMatrix.entry(j,k)) * s; storage[j] = (rotationMatrix.entry(j,i) + rotationMatrix.entry(i,j)) * s; storage[k] = (rotationMatrix.entry(k,i) + rotationMatrix.entry(i,k)) * s; } }
new Quaternion.identity() #
Constructs the identity quaternion
Quaternion.identity() : storage = new Float32List(4) { storage[3] = 1.0; }
new Quaternion.random(Random rn) #
Random rotation.
Quaternion.random(Math.Random rn) : storage = new Float32List(4) { // From: "Uniform Random Rotations", Ken Shoemake, Graphics Gems III, // pg. 124-132. double x0 = rn.nextDouble(); double r1 = Math.sqrt(1.0 - x0); double r2 = Math.sqrt(x0); double t1 = Math.PI*2.0 * rn.nextDouble(); double t2 = Math.PI*2.0 * rn.nextDouble(); double c1 = Math.cos(t1); double s1 = Math.sin(t1); double c2 = Math.cos(t2); double s2 = Math.sin(t2); storage[0] = s1 * r1; storage[1] = c1 * r1; storage[2] = s2 * r2; storage[3] = c2 * r2; }
new Quaternion.view(Float32List storage) #
Quaternion view of storage.
final Vector3 axis #
Axis of rotation.
Vector3 get axis { double scale = 1.0 / (1.0 - (storage[3] * storage[3])); return new Vector3(storage[0] * scale, storage[1] * scale, storage[2] * scale); }
final double length2 #
Length squared.
double get length2 { double _x = storage[0]; double _y = storage[1]; double _z = storage[2]; double _w = storage[3]; return (_x * _x) + (_y * _y) + (_z * _z) + (_w * _w); }
final Float32List storage #
final Float32List storage
Quaternion operator +(Quaternion other) #
Returns copy of this
Quaternion operator+(Quaternion other) { return new Quaternion(storage[0] + other.storage[0], storage[1] + other.storage[1], storage[2] + other.storage[2], storage[3] + other.storage[3]); }
Quaternion operator -() #
Returns negated copy of this
Quaternion operator-() { return new Quaternion(-storage[0], -storage[1], -storage[2], -storage[3]); }
Quaternion operator -(Quaternion other) #
Returns copy of this
Quaternion operator-(Quaternion other) { return new Quaternion(storage[0] - other.storage[0], storage[1] - other.storage[1], storage[2] - other.storage[2], storage[3] - other.storage[3]); }
Quaternion operator *(Quaternion other) #
rotated by
Quaternion operator*(Quaternion other) { double _w = storage[3]; double _z = storage[2]; double _y = storage[1]; double _x = storage[0]; double ow = other.storage[3]; double oz = other.storage[2]; double oy = other.storage[1]; double ox = other.storage[0]; return new Quaternion(_w * ox + _x * ow + _y * oz - _z * oy, _w * oy + _y * ow + _z * ox - _x * oz, _w * oz + _z * ow + _x * oy - _y * ox, _w * ow - _x * ox - _y * oy - _z * oz); }
double absoluteError(Quaternion correct) #
Absolute error between this
double absoluteError(Quaternion correct) { double this_norm = length; double correct_norm = correct.length; double norm_diff = (this_norm - correct_norm).abs(); return norm_diff; }
Matrix3 asRotationMatrix() #
Returns a rotation matrix containing the same rotation as this
Matrix3 asRotationMatrix() { double d = length2; assert(d != 0.0); double s = 2.0 / d; double _x = storage[0]; double _y = storage[1]; double _z = storage[2]; double _w = storage[3]; double xs = _x * s; double ys = _y * s; double zs = _z * s; double wx = _w * xs; double wy = _w * ys; double wz = _w * zs; double xx = _x * xs; double xy = _x * ys; double xz = _x * zs; double yy = _y * ys; double yz = _y * zs; double zz = _z * zs; return new Matrix3(1.0 - (yy + zz), xy + wz, xz - wy, // column 0 xy - wz, 1.0 - (xx + zz), yz + wx, // column 1 xz + wy, yz - wx, 1.0 - (xx + yy)); // column 2 }
Quaternion clone() #
Returns a new copy of this
Quaternion clone() { return new Quaternion.copy(this); }
Quaternion conjugate() #
Conjugate this
Quaternion conjugate() { storage[2] = -storage[2]; storage[1] = -storage[1]; storage[0] = -storage[0]; return this; }
Quaternion conjugated() #
Conjugated copy of this
Quaternion conjugated() { return new Quaternion.copy(this).conjugate(); }
void copyFrom(Quaternion source) #
source into this
void copyFrom(Quaternion source) { storage[0] = source.storage[0]; storage[1] = source.storage[1]; storage[2] = source.storage[2]; storage[3] = source.storage[3]; }
void copyTo(Quaternion target) #
Copy this
void copyTo(Quaternion target) { target.storage[0] = storage[0]; target.storage[1] = storage[1]; target.storage[2] = storage[2]; target.storage[3] = storage[3]; }
Quaternion inverse() #
Invert this
Quaternion inverse() { double l = 1.0 / length2; storage[3] = storage[3] * l; storage[2] = -storage[2] * l; storage[1] = -storage[1] * l; storage[0] = -storage[0] * l; return this; }
Quaternion inverted() #
Inverted copy of this
Quaternion inverted() { return new Quaternion.copy(this).inverse(); }
Quaternion normalize() #
Normalize this
Quaternion normalize() { double l = length; if (l == 0.0) { return this; } l = 1.0 / l; storage[3] = storage[3] * l; storage[2] = storage[2] * l; storage[1] = storage[1] * l; storage[0] = storage[0] * l; return this; }
Quaternion normalized() #
Normalized copy of this
Quaternion normalized() { return new Quaternion.copy(this).normalize(); }
double relativeError(Quaternion correct) #
Relative error between this
double relativeError(Quaternion correct) { Quaternion diff = correct - this; double norm_diff = diff.length; double correct_norm = correct.length; return norm_diff/correct_norm; }
Vector3 rotate(Vector3 v) #
v by this
Vector3 rotate(Vector3 v) { // conjugate(this) * [v,0] * this double _w = storage[3]; double _z = storage[2]; double _y = storage[1]; double _x = storage[0]; double tiw = _w; double tiz = -_z; double tiy = -_y; double tix = -_x; double tx = tiw * v.x + tix * 0.0 + tiy * v.z - tiz * v.y; double ty = tiw * v.y + tiy * 0.0 + tiz * v.x - tix * v.z; double tz = tiw * v.z + tiz * 0.0 + tix * v.y - tiy * v.x; double tw = tiw * 0.0 - tix * v.x - tiy * v.y - tiz * v.z; double result_x = tw * _x + tx * _w + ty * _z - tz * _y; double result_y = tw * _y + ty * _w + tz * _x - tx * _z; double result_z = tw * _z + tz * _w + tx * _y - ty * _x; v.storage[2] = result_z; v.storage[1] = result_y; v.storage[0] = result_x; return v; }
Vector3 rotated(Vector3 v) #
Returns a copy of v rotated by quaternion.
Vector3 rotated(Vector3 v) { Vector3 out = new Vector3.copy(v); return rotate(out); }
Quaternion scale(double scale) #
Scales this
Quaternion scale(double scale) { storage[3] = storage[3] * scale; storage[2] = storage[2] * scale; storage[1] = storage[1] * scale; storage[0] = storage[0] * scale; return this; }
Quaternion scaled(double scale) #
Scaled copy of this
Quaternion scaled(double scale) { Quaternion q = new Quaternion.copy(this); return q.scale(scale); }
void setAxisAngle(Vector3 axis, double radians) #
Set quaternion with rotation of radians around axis.
void setAxisAngle(Vector3 axis, double radians) { double len = axis.length; if (len == 0.0) { return; } double halfSin = Math.sin(radians * 0.5) / len; storage[0] = axis.storage[0] * halfSin; storage[1] = axis.storage[1] * halfSin; storage[2] = axis.storage[2] * halfSin; storage[3] = Math.cos(radians * 0.5); }
void setEuler(double yaw, double pitch, double roll) #
Set quaternion with rotation of yaw, pitch and roll.
void setEuler(double yaw, double pitch, double roll) { double halfYaw = yaw * 0.5; double halfPitch = pitch * 0.5; double halfRoll = roll * 0.5; double cosYaw = Math.cos(halfYaw); double sinYaw = Math.sin(halfYaw); double cosPitch = Math.cos(halfPitch); double sinPitch = Math.sin(halfPitch); double cosRoll = Math.cos(halfRoll); double sinRoll = Math.sin(halfRoll); storage[0] = cosRoll * sinPitch * cosYaw + sinRoll * cosPitch * sinYaw; storage[1] = cosRoll * cosPitch * sinYaw - sinRoll * sinPitch * cosYaw; storage[2] = sinRoll * cosPitch * cosYaw - cosRoll * sinPitch * sinYaw; storage[3] = cosRoll * cosPitch * cosYaw + sinRoll * sinPitch * sinYaw; }