Vector2 class
2D column vector.
class Vector2 { final Float32List storage = new Float32List(2); /// Set the values of [result] to the minimum of [a] and [b] for each line. static void min(Vector2 a, Vector2 b, Vector2 result) { result.x = Math.min(a.x, b.x); result.y = Math.min(a.y, b.y); } /// Set the values of [result] to the maximum of [a] and [b] for each line. static void max(Vector2 a, Vector2 b, Vector2 result) { result.x = Math.max(a.x, b.x); result.y = Math.max(a.y, b.y); } /// Construct a new vector with the specified values. Vector2(double x_, double y_) { setValues(x_, y_); } /// Initialized with values from [array] starting at [offset]. Vector2.array(List<double> array, [int offset=0]) { int i = offset; storage[1] = array[i+1]; storage[0] = array[i+0]; } /// Zero vector.; /// Copy of [other]. Vector2.copy(Vector2 other) { setFrom(other); } /// Set the values of the vector. Vector2 setValues(double x_, double y_) { storage[0] = x_; storage[1] = y_; return this; } /// Zero the vector. Vector2 setZero() { storage[0] = 0.0; storage[1] = 0.0; return this; } /// Set the values by copying them from [other]. Vector2 setFrom(Vector2 other) { storage[1] =[1]; storage[0] =[0]; return this; } /// Splat [arg] into all lanes of the vector. Vector2 splat(double arg) { storage[0] = arg; storage[1] = arg; return this; } /// Returns a printable string String toString() => '[${storage[0]},${storage[1]}]'; /// Negate. Vector2 operator-() => new Vector2(-storage[0], -storage[1]); /// Subtract two vectors. Vector2 operator-(Vector2 other) => new Vector2(storage[0] -[0], storage[1] -[1]); /// Add two vectors. Vector2 operator+(Vector2 other) => new Vector2(storage[0] +[0], storage[1] +[1]); /// Scale. Vector2 operator/(double scale) { var o = 1.0 / scale; return new Vector2(storage[0] * o, storage[1] * o); } /// Scale. Vector2 operator*(double scale) { var o = scale; return new Vector2(storage[0] * o, storage[1] * o); } double operator[](int i) => storage[i]; void operator[]=(int i, double v) { storage[i] = v; } /// Length. double get length { double sum; sum = (storage[0] * storage[0]); sum += (storage[1] * storage[1]); return Math.sqrt(sum); } /// Length squared. double get length2 { double sum; sum = (storage[0] * storage[0]); sum += (storage[1] * storage[1]); return sum; } /// Normalize [this]. Vector2 normalize() { double l = length; // TODO(johnmccutchan): Use an epsilon. if (l == 0.0) { return this; } l = 1.0 / l; storage[0] *= l; storage[1] *= l; return this; } /// Normalize [this]. Returns length of vector before normalization. double normalizeLength() { double l = length; if (l == 0.0) { return 0.0; } l = 1.0 / l; storage[0] *= l; storage[1] *= l; return l; } /// Normalized copy of [this]. Vector2 normalized() { return new Vector2.copy(this).normalize(); } /// Normalize vector into [out]. Vector2 normalizeInto(Vector2 out) { out.setFrom(this); return out.normalize(); } /// Inner product. double dot(Vector2 other) { double sum; sum = storage[0] *[0]; sum += storage[1] *[1]; return sum; } /// Cross product. double cross(Vector2 other) { return storage[0] *[1] - storage[1] *[0]; } /// Rotate [this] by 90 degrees then scale it. Store result in [out]. Return [out]. Vector2 scaleOrthogonalInto(double scale, Vector2 out) { out.setValues(-scale * storage[1], scale * storage[0]); return out; } /// Reflect [this]. Vector2 reflect(Vector2 normal) { sub(normal.scaled(2 *; return this; } /// Reflected copy of [this]. Vector2 reflected(Vector2 normal) { return new Vector2.copy(this).reflect(normal); } /// Relative error between [this] and [correct] double relativeError(Vector2 correct) { double correct_norm = correct.length; double diff_norm = (this - correct).length; return diff_norm/correct_norm; } /// Absolute error between [this] and [correct] double absoluteError(Vector2 correct) { return (this - correct).length; } /// True if any component is infinite. bool get isInfinite { bool is_infinite = false; is_infinite = is_infinite || storage[0].isInfinite; is_infinite = is_infinite || storage[1].isInfinite; return is_infinite; } /// True if any component is NaN. bool get isNaN { bool is_nan = false; is_nan = is_nan || storage[0].isNaN; is_nan = is_nan || storage[1].isNaN; return is_nan; } /// Add [arg] to [this]. Vector2 add(Vector2 arg) { storage[0] = storage[0] +[0]; storage[1] = storage[1] +[1]; return this; } /// Subtract [arg] from [this]. Vector2 sub(Vector2 arg) { storage[0] = storage[0] -[0]; storage[1] = storage[1] -[1]; return this; } /// Multiply entries in [this] with entries in [arg]. Vector2 multiply(Vector2 arg) { storage[0] = storage[0] *[0]; storage[1] = storage[1] *[1]; return this; } /// Divide entries in [this] with entries in [arg]. Vector2 divide(Vector2 arg) { storage[0] = storage[0] /[0]; storage[1] = storage[1] /[1]; return this; } /// Scale [this]. Vector2 scale(double arg) { storage[1] = storage[1] * arg; storage[0] = storage[0] * arg; return this; } Vector2 scaled(double arg) { return clone().scale(arg); } /// Negate. Vector2 negate() { storage[1] = -storage[1]; storage[0] = -storage[0]; return this; } /// Absolute value. Vector2 absolute() { storage[1] = storage[1].abs(); storage[0] = storage[0].abs(); return this; } /// Clone of [this]. Vector2 clone() { return new Vector2.copy(this); } /// Copy [this] into [arg]. Returns [arg]. Vector2 copyInto(Vector2 arg) {[1] = storage[1];[0] = storage[0]; return arg; } /// Copies [this] into [array] starting at [offset]. void copyIntoArray(List<double> array, [int offset=0]) { array[offset+1] = storage[1]; array[offset+0] = storage[0]; } /// Copies elements from [array] into [this] starting at [offset]. void copyFromArray(List<double> array, [int offset=0]) { storage[1] = array[offset+1]; storage[0] = array[offset+0]; } set xy(Vector2 arg) { storage[0] =[0]; storage[1] =[1]; } set yx(Vector2 arg) { storage[1] =[0]; storage[0] =[1]; } set r(double arg) => storage[0] = arg; set g(double arg) => storage[1] = arg; set s(double arg) => storage[0] = arg; set t(double arg) => storage[1] = arg; set x(double arg) => storage[0] = arg; set y(double arg) => storage[1] = arg; set rg(Vector2 arg) { storage[0] =[0]; storage[1] =[1]; } set gr(Vector2 arg) { storage[1] =[0]; storage[0] =[1]; } set st(Vector2 arg) { storage[0] =[0]; storage[1] =[1]; } set ts(Vector2 arg) { storage[1] =[0]; storage[0] =[1]; } Vector2 get xx => new Vector2(storage[0], storage[0]); Vector2 get xy => new Vector2(storage[0], storage[1]); Vector2 get yx => new Vector2(storage[1], storage[0]); Vector2 get yy => new Vector2(storage[1], storage[1]); Vector3 get xxx => new Vector3(storage[0], storage[0], storage[0]); Vector3 get xxy => new Vector3(storage[0], storage[0], storage[1]); Vector3 get xyx => new Vector3(storage[0], storage[1], storage[0]); Vector3 get xyy => new Vector3(storage[0], storage[1], storage[1]); Vector3 get yxx => new Vector3(storage[1], storage[0], storage[0]); Vector3 get yxy => new Vector3(storage[1], storage[0], storage[1]); Vector3 get yyx => new Vector3(storage[1], storage[1], storage[0]); Vector3 get yyy => new Vector3(storage[1], storage[1], storage[1]); Vector4 get xxxx => new Vector4(storage[0], storage[0], storage[0], storage[0]); Vector4 get xxxy => new Vector4(storage[0], storage[0], storage[0], storage[1]); Vector4 get xxyx => new Vector4(storage[0], storage[0], storage[1], storage[0]); Vector4 get xxyy => new Vector4(storage[0], storage[0], storage[1], storage[1]); Vector4 get xyxx => new Vector4(storage[0], storage[1], storage[0], storage[0]); Vector4 get xyxy => new Vector4(storage[0], storage[1], storage[0], storage[1]); Vector4 get xyyx => new Vector4(storage[0], storage[1], storage[1], storage[0]); Vector4 get xyyy => new Vector4(storage[0], storage[1], storage[1], storage[1]); Vector4 get yxxx => new Vector4(storage[1], storage[0], storage[0], storage[0]); Vector4 get yxxy => new Vector4(storage[1], storage[0], storage[0], storage[1]); Vector4 get yxyx => new Vector4(storage[1], storage[0], storage[1], storage[0]); Vector4 get yxyy => new Vector4(storage[1], storage[0], storage[1], storage[1]); Vector4 get yyxx => new Vector4(storage[1], storage[1], storage[0], storage[0]); Vector4 get yyxy => new Vector4(storage[1], storage[1], storage[0], storage[1]); Vector4 get yyyx => new Vector4(storage[1], storage[1], storage[1], storage[0]); Vector4 get yyyy => new Vector4(storage[1], storage[1], storage[1], storage[1]); double get r => storage[0]; double get g => storage[1]; double get s => storage[0]; double get t => storage[1]; double get x => storage[0]; double get y => storage[1]; Vector2 get rr => new Vector2(storage[0], storage[0]); Vector2 get rg => new Vector2(storage[0], storage[1]); Vector2 get gr => new Vector2(storage[1], storage[0]); Vector2 get gg => new Vector2(storage[1], storage[1]); Vector3 get rrr => new Vector3(storage[0], storage[0], storage[0]); Vector3 get rrg => new Vector3(storage[0], storage[0], storage[1]); Vector3 get rgr => new Vector3(storage[0], storage[1], storage[0]); Vector3 get rgg => new Vector3(storage[0], storage[1], storage[1]); Vector3 get grr => new Vector3(storage[1], storage[0], storage[0]); Vector3 get grg => new Vector3(storage[1], storage[0], storage[1]); Vector3 get ggr => new Vector3(storage[1], storage[1], storage[0]); Vector3 get ggg => new Vector3(storage[1], storage[1], storage[1]); Vector4 get rrrr => new Vector4(storage[0], storage[0], storage[0], storage[0]); Vector4 get rrrg => new Vector4(storage[0], storage[0], storage[0], storage[1]); Vector4 get rrgr => new Vector4(storage[0], storage[0], storage[1], storage[0]); Vector4 get rrgg => new Vector4(storage[0], storage[0], storage[1], storage[1]); Vector4 get rgrr => new Vector4(storage[0], storage[1], storage[0], storage[0]); Vector4 get rgrg => new Vector4(storage[0], storage[1], storage[0], storage[1]); Vector4 get rggr => new Vector4(storage[0], storage[1], storage[1], storage[0]); Vector4 get rggg => new Vector4(storage[0], storage[1], storage[1], storage[1]); Vector4 get grrr => new Vector4(storage[1], storage[0], storage[0], storage[0]); Vector4 get grrg => new Vector4(storage[1], storage[0], storage[0], storage[1]); Vector4 get grgr => new Vector4(storage[1], storage[0], storage[1], storage[0]); Vector4 get grgg => new Vector4(storage[1], storage[0], storage[1], storage[1]); Vector4 get ggrr => new Vector4(storage[1], storage[1], storage[0], storage[0]); Vector4 get ggrg => new Vector4(storage[1], storage[1], storage[0], storage[1]); Vector4 get gggr => new Vector4(storage[1], storage[1], storage[1], storage[0]); Vector4 get gggg => new Vector4(storage[1], storage[1], storage[1], storage[1]); Vector2 get ss => new Vector2(storage[0], storage[0]); Vector2 get st => new Vector2(storage[0], storage[1]); Vector2 get ts => new Vector2(storage[1], storage[0]); Vector2 get tt => new Vector2(storage[1], storage[1]); Vector3 get sss => new Vector3(storage[0], storage[0], storage[0]); Vector3 get sst => new Vector3(storage[0], storage[0], storage[1]); Vector3 get sts => new Vector3(storage[0], storage[1], storage[0]); Vector3 get stt => new Vector3(storage[0], storage[1], storage[1]); Vector3 get tss => new Vector3(storage[1], storage[0], storage[0]); Vector3 get tst => new Vector3(storage[1], storage[0], storage[1]); Vector3 get tts => new Vector3(storage[1], storage[1], storage[0]); Vector3 get ttt => new Vector3(storage[1], storage[1], storage[1]); Vector4 get ssss => new Vector4(storage[0], storage[0], storage[0], storage[0]); Vector4 get ssst => new Vector4(storage[0], storage[0], storage[0], storage[1]); Vector4 get ssts => new Vector4(storage[0], storage[0], storage[1], storage[0]); Vector4 get sstt => new Vector4(storage[0], storage[0], storage[1], storage[1]); Vector4 get stss => new Vector4(storage[0], storage[1], storage[0], storage[0]); Vector4 get stst => new Vector4(storage[0], storage[1], storage[0], storage[1]); Vector4 get stts => new Vector4(storage[0], storage[1], storage[1], storage[0]); Vector4 get sttt => new Vector4(storage[0], storage[1], storage[1], storage[1]); Vector4 get tsss => new Vector4(storage[1], storage[0], storage[0], storage[0]); Vector4 get tsst => new Vector4(storage[1], storage[0], storage[0], storage[1]); Vector4 get tsts => new Vector4(storage[1], storage[0], storage[1], storage[0]); Vector4 get tstt => new Vector4(storage[1], storage[0], storage[1], storage[1]); Vector4 get ttss => new Vector4(storage[1], storage[1], storage[0], storage[0]); Vector4 get ttst => new Vector4(storage[1], storage[1], storage[0], storage[1]); Vector4 get ttts => new Vector4(storage[1], storage[1], storage[1], storage[0]); Vector4 get tttt => new Vector4(storage[1], storage[1], storage[1], storage[1]); }
Static Methods
new Vector2(double x_, double y_) #
Construct a new vector with the specified values.
Vector2(double x_, double y_) { setValues(x_, y_); }
new Vector2.array(List<double> array, [int offset = 0]) #
Initialized with values from array starting at offset.
Vector2.array(List<double> array, [int offset=0]) { int i = offset; storage[1] = array[i+1]; storage[0] = array[i+0]; }
new #
Zero vector.;
final Vector4 gggg #
Vector4 get gggg => new Vector4(storage[1], storage[1], storage[1], storage[1]);
final Vector4 gggr #
Vector4 get gggr => new Vector4(storage[1], storage[1], storage[1], storage[0]);
final Vector4 ggrg #
Vector4 get ggrg => new Vector4(storage[1], storage[1], storage[0], storage[1]);
final Vector4 ggrr #
Vector4 get ggrr => new Vector4(storage[1], storage[1], storage[0], storage[0]);
Vector2 gr #
Vector2 get gr => new Vector2(storage[1], storage[0]);
set gr(Vector2 arg) { storage[1] =[0]; storage[0] =[1]; }
final Vector4 grgg #
Vector4 get grgg => new Vector4(storage[1], storage[0], storage[1], storage[1]);
final Vector4 grgr #
Vector4 get grgr => new Vector4(storage[1], storage[0], storage[1], storage[0]);
final Vector4 grrg #
Vector4 get grrg => new Vector4(storage[1], storage[0], storage[0], storage[1]);
final Vector4 grrr #
Vector4 get grrr => new Vector4(storage[1], storage[0], storage[0], storage[0]);
final bool isInfinite #
True if any component is infinite.
bool get isInfinite { bool is_infinite = false; is_infinite = is_infinite || storage[0].isInfinite; is_infinite = is_infinite || storage[1].isInfinite; return is_infinite; }
final bool isNaN #
True if any component is NaN.
bool get isNaN { bool is_nan = false; is_nan = is_nan || storage[0].isNaN; is_nan = is_nan || storage[1].isNaN; return is_nan; }
final double length #
double get length { double sum; sum = (storage[0] * storage[0]); sum += (storage[1] * storage[1]); return Math.sqrt(sum); }
final double length2 #
Length squared.
double get length2 { double sum; sum = (storage[0] * storage[0]); sum += (storage[1] * storage[1]); return sum; }
Vector2 rg #
Vector2 get rg => new Vector2(storage[0], storage[1]);
set rg(Vector2 arg) { storage[0] =[0]; storage[1] =[1]; }
final Vector4 rggg #
Vector4 get rggg => new Vector4(storage[0], storage[1], storage[1], storage[1]);
final Vector4 rggr #
Vector4 get rggr => new Vector4(storage[0], storage[1], storage[1], storage[0]);
final Vector4 rgrg #
Vector4 get rgrg => new Vector4(storage[0], storage[1], storage[0], storage[1]);
final Vector4 rgrr #
Vector4 get rgrr => new Vector4(storage[0], storage[1], storage[0], storage[0]);
final Vector4 rrgg #
Vector4 get rrgg => new Vector4(storage[0], storage[0], storage[1], storage[1]);
final Vector4 rrgr #
Vector4 get rrgr => new Vector4(storage[0], storage[0], storage[1], storage[0]);
final Vector4 rrrg #
Vector4 get rrrg => new Vector4(storage[0], storage[0], storage[0], storage[1]);
final Vector4 rrrr #
Vector4 get rrrr => new Vector4(storage[0], storage[0], storage[0], storage[0]);
final Vector4 ssss #
Vector4 get ssss => new Vector4(storage[0], storage[0], storage[0], storage[0]);
final Vector4 ssst #
Vector4 get ssst => new Vector4(storage[0], storage[0], storage[0], storage[1]);
final Vector4 ssts #
Vector4 get ssts => new Vector4(storage[0], storage[0], storage[1], storage[0]);
final Vector4 sstt #
Vector4 get sstt => new Vector4(storage[0], storage[0], storage[1], storage[1]);
Vector2 st #
Vector2 get st => new Vector2(storage[0], storage[1]);
set st(Vector2 arg) { storage[0] =[0]; storage[1] =[1]; }
final Float32List storage #
final Float32List storage = new Float32List(2)
final Vector4 stss #
Vector4 get stss => new Vector4(storage[0], storage[1], storage[0], storage[0]);
final Vector4 stst #
Vector4 get stst => new Vector4(storage[0], storage[1], storage[0], storage[1]);
final Vector4 stts #
Vector4 get stts => new Vector4(storage[0], storage[1], storage[1], storage[0]);
final Vector4 sttt #
Vector4 get sttt => new Vector4(storage[0], storage[1], storage[1], storage[1]);
Vector2 ts #
Vector2 get ts => new Vector2(storage[1], storage[0]);
set ts(Vector2 arg) { storage[1] =[0]; storage[0] =[1]; }
final Vector4 tsss #
Vector4 get tsss => new Vector4(storage[1], storage[0], storage[0], storage[0]);
final Vector4 tsst #
Vector4 get tsst => new Vector4(storage[1], storage[0], storage[0], storage[1]);
final Vector4 tsts #
Vector4 get tsts => new Vector4(storage[1], storage[0], storage[1], storage[0]);
final Vector4 tstt #
Vector4 get tstt => new Vector4(storage[1], storage[0], storage[1], storage[1]);
final Vector4 ttss #
Vector4 get ttss => new Vector4(storage[1], storage[1], storage[0], storage[0]);
final Vector4 ttst #
Vector4 get ttst => new Vector4(storage[1], storage[1], storage[0], storage[1]);
final Vector4 ttts #
Vector4 get ttts => new Vector4(storage[1], storage[1], storage[1], storage[0]);
final Vector4 tttt #
Vector4 get tttt => new Vector4(storage[1], storage[1], storage[1], storage[1]);
final Vector4 xxxx #
Vector4 get xxxx => new Vector4(storage[0], storage[0], storage[0], storage[0]);
final Vector4 xxxy #
Vector4 get xxxy => new Vector4(storage[0], storage[0], storage[0], storage[1]);
final Vector4 xxyx #
Vector4 get xxyx => new Vector4(storage[0], storage[0], storage[1], storage[0]);
final Vector4 xxyy #
Vector4 get xxyy => new Vector4(storage[0], storage[0], storage[1], storage[1]);
Vector2 xy #
Vector2 get xy => new Vector2(storage[0], storage[1]);
set xy(Vector2 arg) { storage[0] =[0]; storage[1] =[1]; }
final Vector4 xyxx #
Vector4 get xyxx => new Vector4(storage[0], storage[1], storage[0], storage[0]);
final Vector4 xyxy #
Vector4 get xyxy => new Vector4(storage[0], storage[1], storage[0], storage[1]);
final Vector4 xyyx #
Vector4 get xyyx => new Vector4(storage[0], storage[1], storage[1], storage[0]);
final Vector4 xyyy #
Vector4 get xyyy => new Vector4(storage[0], storage[1], storage[1], storage[1]);
Vector2 yx #
Vector2 get yx => new Vector2(storage[1], storage[0]);
set yx(Vector2 arg) { storage[1] =[0]; storage[0] =[1]; }
final Vector4 yxxx #
Vector4 get yxxx => new Vector4(storage[1], storage[0], storage[0], storage[0]);
final Vector4 yxxy #
Vector4 get yxxy => new Vector4(storage[1], storage[0], storage[0], storage[1]);
final Vector4 yxyx #
Vector4 get yxyx => new Vector4(storage[1], storage[0], storage[1], storage[0]);
final Vector4 yxyy #
Vector4 get yxyy => new Vector4(storage[1], storage[0], storage[1], storage[1]);
final Vector4 yyxx #
Vector4 get yyxx => new Vector4(storage[1], storage[1], storage[0], storage[0]);
final Vector4 yyxy #
Vector4 get yyxy => new Vector4(storage[1], storage[1], storage[0], storage[1]);
Vector2 operator +(Vector2 other) #
Add two vectors.
Vector2 operator+(Vector2 other) => new Vector2(storage[0] +[0], storage[1] +[1]);
Vector2 operator -(Vector2 other) #
Subtract two vectors.
Vector2 operator-(Vector2 other) => new Vector2(storage[0] -[0], storage[1] -[1]);
Vector2 absolute() #
Absolute value.
Vector2 absolute() { storage[1] = storage[1].abs(); storage[0] = storage[0].abs(); return this; }
double absoluteError(Vector2 correct) #
Absolute error between this
double absoluteError(Vector2 correct) { return (this - correct).length; }
Vector2 add(Vector2 arg) #
arg to this
Vector2 add(Vector2 arg) { storage[0] = storage[0] +[0]; storage[1] = storage[1] +[1]; return this; }
void copyFromArray(List<double> array, [int offset = 0]) #
Copies elements from
array into this
starting at
void copyFromArray(List<double> array, [int offset=0]) { storage[1] = array[offset+1]; storage[0] = array[offset+0]; }
Vector2 copyInto(Vector2 arg) #
Copy this
arg. Returns
Vector2 copyInto(Vector2 arg) {[1] = storage[1];[0] = storage[0]; return arg; }
void copyIntoArray(List<double> array, [int offset = 0]) #
Copies this
array starting at
void copyIntoArray(List<double> array, [int offset=0]) { array[offset+1] = storage[1]; array[offset+0] = storage[0]; }
double cross(Vector2 other) #
Cross product.
double cross(Vector2 other) { return storage[0] *[1] - storage[1] *[0]; }
Vector2 divide(Vector2 arg) #
Divide entries in this
with entries in
Vector2 divide(Vector2 arg) { storage[0] = storage[0] /[0]; storage[1] = storage[1] /[1]; return this; }
double dot(Vector2 other) #
Inner product.
double dot(Vector2 other) { double sum; sum = storage[0] *[0]; sum += storage[1] *[1]; return sum; }
Vector2 multiply(Vector2 arg) #
Multiply entries in this
with entries in
Vector2 multiply(Vector2 arg) { storage[0] = storage[0] *[0]; storage[1] = storage[1] *[1]; return this; }
Vector2 negate() #
Vector2 negate() { storage[1] = -storage[1]; storage[0] = -storage[0]; return this; }
Vector2 normalize() #
Normalize this
Vector2 normalize() { double l = length; // TODO(johnmccutchan): Use an epsilon. if (l == 0.0) { return this; } l = 1.0 / l; storage[0] *= l; storage[1] *= l; return this; }
Vector2 normalized() #
Normalized copy of this
Vector2 normalized() { return new Vector2.copy(this).normalize(); }
Vector2 normalizeInto(Vector2 out) #
Normalize vector into out.
Vector2 normalizeInto(Vector2 out) { out.setFrom(this); return out.normalize(); }
double normalizeLength() #
Normalize this
. Returns length of vector before normalization.
double normalizeLength() { double l = length; if (l == 0.0) { return 0.0; } l = 1.0 / l; storage[0] *= l; storage[1] *= l; return l; }
Vector2 reflect(Vector2 normal) #
Reflect this
Vector2 reflect(Vector2 normal) { sub(normal.scaled(2 *; return this; }
Vector2 reflected(Vector2 normal) #
Reflected copy of this
Vector2 reflected(Vector2 normal) { return new Vector2.copy(this).reflect(normal); }
double relativeError(Vector2 correct) #
Relative error between this
double relativeError(Vector2 correct) { double correct_norm = correct.length; double diff_norm = (this - correct).length; return diff_norm/correct_norm; }
Vector2 scale(double arg) #
Scale this
Vector2 scale(double arg) { storage[1] = storage[1] * arg; storage[0] = storage[0] * arg; return this; }
Vector2 scaleOrthogonalInto(double scale, Vector2 out) #
Rotate this
by 90 degrees then scale it. Store result in
out. Return
Vector2 scaleOrthogonalInto(double scale, Vector2 out) { out.setValues(-scale * storage[1], scale * storage[0]); return out; }
Vector2 setFrom(Vector2 other) #
Set the values by copying them from other.
Vector2 setFrom(Vector2 other) { storage[1] =[1]; storage[0] =[0]; return this; }
Vector2 setValues(double x_, double y_) #
Set the values of the vector.
Vector2 setValues(double x_, double y_) { storage[0] = x_; storage[1] = y_; return this; }
Vector2 setZero() #
Zero the vector.
Vector2 setZero() { storage[0] = 0.0; storage[1] = 0.0; return this; }
Vector2 splat(double arg) #
Splat arg into all lanes of the vector.
Vector2 splat(double arg) { storage[0] = arg; storage[1] = arg; return this; }