CSS3DRenderer class
class CSS3DRenderer implements Renderer { Projector _projector; Element domElement; Element cameraElement; num _width, _height, _widthHalf, _heightHalf; CSS3DRenderer() { _projector = new Projector(); domElement = new Element.tag( 'div' ) ..style.overflow = 'hidden' ..style.transformStyle = 'preserve-3d' ..style.perspectiveOrigin = '50% 50%'; // TODO: Shouldn't it be possible to remove cameraElement? cameraElement = new Element.tag( 'div' ) ..style.transformStyle = 'preserve-3d'; domElement.children.add( cameraElement ); } setSize( num width, num height ) { _width = width; _height = height; _widthHalf = _width / 2; _heightHalf = _height / 2; domElement.style ..width = '${width}px' ..height = '${height}px'; cameraElement.style ..width = '${width}px' ..height = '${height}px'; } epsilon( num value ) => ( value.abs() < 0.000001 ) ? 0 : value; getCameraCSSMatrix( matrix ) { return 'matrix3d(' '${epsilon( matrix[ 0 ] )},' '${epsilon( - matrix[ 1 ] )},' '${epsilon( matrix[ 2 ] )},' '${epsilon( matrix[ 3 ] )},' '${epsilon( matrix[ 4 ] )},' '${epsilon( - matrix[ 5 ] )},' '${epsilon( matrix[ 6 ] )},' '${epsilon( matrix[ 7 ] )},' '${epsilon( matrix[ 8 ] )},' '${epsilon( - matrix[ 9 ] )},' '${epsilon( matrix[ 10 ] )},' '${epsilon( matrix[ 11 ] )},' '${epsilon( matrix[ 12 ] )},' '${epsilon( - matrix[ 13 ] )},' '${epsilon( matrix[ 14 ] )},' '${epsilon( matrix[ 15 ] )}' ')'; } getObjectCSSMatrix( matrix ) { return 'translate3d(-50%,-50%,0px) matrix3d(' '${epsilon( matrix[ 0 ] )},' '${epsilon( matrix[ 1 ] )},' '${epsilon( matrix[ 2 ] )},' '${epsilon( matrix[ 3 ] )},' '${epsilon( matrix[ 4 ] )},' '${epsilon( matrix[ 5 ] )},' '${epsilon( matrix[ 6 ] )},' '${epsilon( matrix[ 7 ] )},' '${epsilon( matrix[ 8 ] )},' '${epsilon( matrix[ 9 ] )},' '${epsilon( matrix[ 10 ] )},' '${epsilon( matrix[ 11 ] )},' '${epsilon( matrix[ 12 ] )},' '${epsilon( matrix[ 13 ] )},' '${epsilon( matrix[ 14 ] )},' '${epsilon( matrix[ 15 ] )}' ') scale3d(1,-1,1)'; } render( scene, camera ) { var fov = 0.5 / Math.tan( camera.fov * Math.PI / 360 ) * _height; domElement.style.perspective = "${fov}px"; var style = "translate3d(0,0,${fov}px)${getCameraCSSMatrix( camera.matrixWorldInverse )} translate3d(${_widthHalf}px,${_heightHalf}px, 0)"; cameraElement.style.transform = style; var objects = _projector.projectScene( scene, camera, false ).objects; var il = objects.length; for ( var i = 0; i < il; i ++ ) { var object = objects[ i ].object; if ( object is CSS3DObject ) { var element = object.element; style = getObjectCSSMatrix( object.matrixWorld ); element.style.transform = style; if ( element.parent != cameraElement ) { cameraElement.children.add( element ); } } } } }
new CSS3DRenderer() #
Creates a new Object instance.
Object instances have no meaningful state, and are only useful through their identity. An Object instance is equal to itself only.
docs inherited from Object
CSS3DRenderer() { _projector = new Projector(); domElement = new Element.tag( 'div' ) ..style.overflow = 'hidden' ..style.transformStyle = 'preserve-3d' ..style.perspectiveOrigin = '50% 50%'; // TODO: Shouldn't it be possible to remove cameraElement? cameraElement = new Element.tag( 'div' ) ..style.transformStyle = 'preserve-3d'; domElement.children.add( cameraElement ); }
dynamic getCameraCSSMatrix(matrix) #
getCameraCSSMatrix( matrix ) { return 'matrix3d(' '${epsilon( matrix[ 0 ] )},' '${epsilon( - matrix[ 1 ] )},' '${epsilon( matrix[ 2 ] )},' '${epsilon( matrix[ 3 ] )},' '${epsilon( matrix[ 4 ] )},' '${epsilon( - matrix[ 5 ] )},' '${epsilon( matrix[ 6 ] )},' '${epsilon( matrix[ 7 ] )},' '${epsilon( matrix[ 8 ] )},' '${epsilon( - matrix[ 9 ] )},' '${epsilon( matrix[ 10 ] )},' '${epsilon( matrix[ 11 ] )},' '${epsilon( matrix[ 12 ] )},' '${epsilon( - matrix[ 13 ] )},' '${epsilon( matrix[ 14 ] )},' '${epsilon( matrix[ 15 ] )}' ')'; }
dynamic getObjectCSSMatrix(matrix) #
getObjectCSSMatrix( matrix ) { return 'translate3d(-50%,-50%,0px) matrix3d(' '${epsilon( matrix[ 0 ] )},' '${epsilon( matrix[ 1 ] )},' '${epsilon( matrix[ 2 ] )},' '${epsilon( matrix[ 3 ] )},' '${epsilon( matrix[ 4 ] )},' '${epsilon( matrix[ 5 ] )},' '${epsilon( matrix[ 6 ] )},' '${epsilon( matrix[ 7 ] )},' '${epsilon( matrix[ 8 ] )},' '${epsilon( matrix[ 9 ] )},' '${epsilon( matrix[ 10 ] )},' '${epsilon( matrix[ 11 ] )},' '${epsilon( matrix[ 12 ] )},' '${epsilon( matrix[ 13 ] )},' '${epsilon( matrix[ 14 ] )},' '${epsilon( matrix[ 15 ] )}' ') scale3d(1,-1,1)'; }
dynamic render(scene, camera) #
render( scene, camera ) { var fov = 0.5 / Math.tan( camera.fov * Math.PI / 360 ) * _height; domElement.style.perspective = "${fov}px"; var style = "translate3d(0,0,${fov}px)${getCameraCSSMatrix( camera.matrixWorldInverse )} translate3d(${_widthHalf}px,${_heightHalf}px, 0)"; cameraElement.style.transform = style; var objects = _projector.projectScene( scene, camera, false ).objects; var il = objects.length; for ( var i = 0; i < il; i ++ ) { var object = objects[ i ].object; if ( object is CSS3DObject ) { var element = object.element; style = getObjectCSSMatrix( object.matrixWorld ); element.style.transform = style; if ( element.parent != cameraElement ) { cameraElement.children.add( element ); } } } }