Loader class
class Loader { Element statusDomElement; LoadStartCallback onLoadStart; LoadProgressCallback onLoadProgress; LoadCompleteCallback onLoadComplete; String crossOrigin = 'anonymous'; Loader( [bool showStatus = false] ) : statusDomElement = showStatus ? Loader.addStatusElement() : null { onLoadStart = () {}; onLoadProgress = (data) {}; onLoadComplete = () {}; } static addStatusElement() { var e = new Element.tag('div'); e.style ..position = "absolute" ..right = "0px" ..top = "0px" ..fontSize = "0.8em" ..textAlign = "left" ..background = "rgba(0,0,0,0.25)" ..color = "#fff" ..width = "120px" ..padding = "0.5em 0.5em 0.5em 0.5em" ..zIndex = "1000"; e.innerHtml = "Loading ..."; return e; } _updateProgress( progress ) { var message = "Loaded "; if ( progress.total ) { message = "$message${ ( 100 * progress.loaded / progress.total ).toStringAsFixed(0)}%"; } else { message = "$message${ ( progress.loaded / 1000 ).toFixed(2)} KB"; } statusDomElement.innerHtml = message; } static _extractUrlBase( url ) { var parts = url.split( '/' ); parts.removeLast(); return "${( parts.length < 1 ? '.' : parts.join('/' ) )}/"; } _initMaterials( Geometry geometry, List materials, String texturePath ) { geometry.materials = []; for ( var i = 0; i < materials.length; ++ i ) { geometry.materials.add( _createMaterial( materials[ i ], texturePath )); } } _hasNormals( Geometry geometry ) { var m, i, il = geometry.materials.length; for( i = 0; i < il; i ++ ) { m = geometry.materials[ i ]; if ( m is ShaderMaterial ) return true; } return false; } _is_pow2( n ) { var l = Math.log( n ) / Math.LN2; return l.floor() == l; } _nearest_pow2( n ) { var l = Math.log( n ) / Math.LN2; return Math.pow( 2, l.round() ); } _load_image( where, url ) { var image = new ImageElement(); image.onLoad.listen((Event evt) { if ( !_is_pow2( image.width ) || !_is_pow2( image.height ) ) { var width = _nearest_pow2( image.width ); var height = _nearest_pow2( image.height ); where.image.width = width; where.image.height = height; where.image.getContext( '2d' ).drawImage( this, 0, 0, width, height ); } else { where.image = this; } where.needsUpdate = true; }); image.crossOrigin = crossOrigin; image.src = url; } _create_texture( texturePath, sourceFile, repeat, offset, wrap, anisotropy ) { var isCompressed = sourceFile.toLowerCase().endsWith( ".dds" ); var fullPath = texturePath + "/" + sourceFile; var result; var texture; if ( isCompressed ) { texture = ImageUtils.loadCompressedTexture( fullPath ); result = texture; } else { var texture = new Element.tag('canvas' ); result = new Texture( texture ); } // TODO(nelsonsilva) - do whe need this? // result.sourceFile = sourceFile; if( repeat ) { result.repeat.setValues( repeat[ 0 ], repeat[ 1 ] ); if ( repeat[ 0 ] != 1 ) result.wrapS = RepeatWrapping; if ( repeat[ 1 ] != 1 ) result.wrapT = RepeatWrapping; } if ( offset ) { result.offset.setValues( offset[ 0 ], offset[ 1 ] ); } if ( wrap ) { var wrapMap = { "repeat": RepeatWrapping, "mirror": MirroredRepeatWrapping }; if ( wrapMap.containsKey( wrap[ 0 ] ) ) { result.wrapS = wrapMap[ wrap[ 0 ] ]; } if ( wrapMap.containsKey( wrap[ 1 ] ) ) { result.wrapT = wrapMap[ wrap[ 1 ] ]; } } if ( anisotropy ) { result.anisotropy = anisotropy; } if ( ! isCompressed ) { _load_image( result, fullPath ); } return result; } _rgb2hex( rgb ) => ( (rgb[ 0 ] * 255).toInt() << 16 ) + ( (rgb[ 1 ] * 255).toInt() << 8 ) + rgb[ 2 ].toInt() * 255; _createMaterial( Map m, String texturePath ) { IMaterial material; // defaults var mtype = "MeshLambertMaterial"; // mpars var color = 0xeeeeee, opacity = 1.0, map = null, wireframe = false, vertexColors = null, blending = NormalBlending, transparent = false, depthTest = true, depthWrite = true, visible = true, side = FrontSide, specular = 0x111111, ambient = 0xffffff, shininess = null, lightMap = null, bumpMap = null, normalMap = null, specularMap = null, bumpScale = null; // parameters from model file if ( m.containsKey("shading") ) { var shading = m["shading"].toLowerCase(); if ( shading == "phong" ) { mtype = "MeshPhongMaterial"; } else if ( shading == "basic" ) { mtype = "MeshBasicMaterial"; } } if ( m.containsKey("blending") ) { // TODO - && THREE[ m.blending ] != undefined ) { // TODO - Check if we're missing some blend modes or come up with a better way to make this work var blendmodes = { "NoBlending": NoBlending, "NormalBlending": NormalBlending, "AdditiveBlending": AdditiveBlending, "SubtractiveBlending": SubtractiveBlending, "MultiplyBlending": MultiplyBlending, "CustomBlending": CustomBlending }; blending = blendmodes[ m["blending"] ]; } if ( m.containsKey("transparent") || ( m.containsKey("opacity") && m["opacity"] < 1.0) ) { transparent = m["transparent"]; } if ( m.containsKey("depthTest") ) { depthTest = m["depthTest"]; } if ( m.containsKey("depthWrite") ) { depthWrite = m["depthWrite"]; } if ( m.containsKey("visible") ) { visible = m["visible"]; } if ( m.containsKey("flipSided") ) { side = BackSide; } if ( m.containsKey("doubleSided") ) { side = DoubleSide; } if ( m.containsKey("wireframe") ) { wireframe = m["wireframe"]; } if ( m.containsKey("vertexColors") ) { if ( m["vertexColors"] == "face" ) { vertexColors = FaceColors; } else if ( !m["vertexColors"] ) { vertexColors = VertexColors; } } // colors if ( m.containsKey("colorDiffuse") ) { color = _rgb2hex( m["colorDiffuse"] ); } else if ( m.containsKey("DbgColor") ) { color = m["DbgColor"]; } if ( m.containsKey("colorSpecular") ) { specular = _rgb2hex( m["colorSpecular"] ); } if ( m.containsKey("colorAmbient") ) { ambient = _rgb2hex( m["colorAmbient"] ); } // modifiers if ( m.containsKey("transparency") ) { opacity = m["transparency"]; } if ( m.containsKey("specularCoef") ) { shininess = m["specularCoef"]; } // textures if ( m.containsKey("mapDiffuse") && (texturePath != null) ) { map = _create_texture( texturePath, m["mapDiffuse"], m["mapDiffuseRepeat"], m["mapDiffuseOffset"], m["mapDiffuseWrap"], m["mapDiffuseAnisotropy"] ); } if ( m.containsKey("mapLight") && (texturePath != null) ) { lightMap = _create_texture( texturePath, m["mapLight"], m["mapLightRepeat"], m["mapLightOffset"], m["mapLightWrap"], m["mapLightAnisotropy"] ); } if ( m.containsKey("mapBump") && (texturePath != null) ) { bumpMap = _create_texture( texturePath, m["mapBump"], m["mapBumpRepeat"], m["mapBumpOffset"], m["mapBumpWrap"], m["mapBumpAnisotropy"] ); } if ( m.containsKey("mapNormal") && (texturePath != null) ) { normalMap = _create_texture( texturePath, m["mapNormal"], m["mapNormalRepeat"], m["mapNormalOffset"], m["mapNormalWrap"], m["mapNormalAnisotropy"] ); } if ( m.containsKey("mapSpecular") && (texturePath != null) ) { specularMap = _create_texture( texturePath, m["mapSpecular"], m["mapSpecularRepeat"], m["mapSpecularOffset"], m["mapSpecularWrap"], m["mapSpecularAnisotropy"] ); } // if ( m.containsKey("mapBumpScale") ) { bumpScale = m["mapBumpScale"]; } // special case for normal mapped material if ( m.containsKey("mapNormal") ) { var shader = ShaderUtils.lib[ "normal" ]; var uniforms = UniformsUtils.clone( shader.uniforms ); uniforms[ "tNormal" ].value = normalMap; if ( m.containsKey("mapNormalFactor") ) { uniforms[ "uNormalScale" ].value.setValues( m["mapNormalFactor"], m["mapNormalFactor"] ); } if ( map != null ) { uniforms[ "tDiffuse" ].value = map; uniforms[ "enableDiffuse" ].value = true; } if ( specularMap != null) { uniforms[ "tSpecular" ].value = specularMap; uniforms[ "enableSpecular" ].value = true; } if ( lightMap != null ) { uniforms[ "tAO" ].value = lightMap; uniforms[ "enableAO" ].value = true; } // for the moment don't handle displacement texture uniforms[ "uDiffuseColor" ].value.setHex( color ); uniforms[ "uSpecularColor" ].value.setHex( specular ); uniforms[ "uAmbientColor" ].value.setHex( ambient ); uniforms[ "uShininess" ].value = shininess; if ( opacity != null ) { uniforms[ "uOpacity" ].value = opacity; } material = new ShaderMaterial( fragmentShader: shader.fragmentShader, vertexShader: shader.vertexShader, uniforms: uniforms //lights: true, //fog: true ); } else { switch (mtype) { case "MeshLambertMaterial" : material = new MeshLambertMaterial( map: map, color: color, ambient: ambient, lightMap: lightMap, specularMap: specularMap, vertexColors: vertexColors, wireframe: wireframe, side: FrontSide, opacity: opacity, transparent: transparent, blending: blending, depthTest: depthTest, depthWrite: depthWrite, visible: visible); break; case "MeshPhongMaterial": material = new MeshPhongMaterial( map: map, color: color, ambient: ambient, shininess: shininess, lightMap: lightMap, bumpMap: bumpMap, bumpScale: bumpScale, specularMap: specularMap, vertexColors: vertexColors, wireframe: wireframe, side: FrontSide, opacity: opacity, transparent: transparent, blending: blending, depthTest: depthTest, depthWrite: depthWrite, visible: visible); break; case "MeshBasicMaterial": material = new MeshBasicMaterial( map: map, color: color, lightMap: lightMap, specularMap: specularMap, vertexColors: vertexColors, wireframe: wireframe, side: FrontSide, opacity: opacity, transparent: transparent, blending: blending, depthTest: depthTest, depthWrite: depthWrite, visible: visible); break; default: print("Unknow material type!"); } } if ( m.containsKey("DbgName") ) { material.name = m["DbgName"]; } return material; } }
Static Methods
dynamic addStatusElement() #
static addStatusElement() { var e = new Element.tag('div'); e.style ..position = "absolute" ..right = "0px" ..top = "0px" ..fontSize = "0.8em" ..textAlign = "left" ..background = "rgba(0,0,0,0.25)" ..color = "#fff" ..width = "120px" ..padding = "0.5em 0.5em 0.5em 0.5em" ..zIndex = "1000"; e.innerHtml = "Loading ..."; return e; }
new Loader([bool showStatus = false]) #
Creates a new Object instance.
Object instances have no meaningful state, and are only useful through their identity. An Object instance is equal to itself only.
docs inherited from Object
Loader( [bool showStatus = false] ) : statusDomElement = showStatus ? Loader.addStatusElement() : null { onLoadStart = () {}; onLoadProgress = (data) {}; onLoadComplete = () {}; }
LoadCompleteCallback onLoadComplete #
LoadCompleteCallback onLoadComplete
LoadProgressCallback onLoadProgress #
LoadProgressCallback onLoadProgress
LoadStartCallback onLoadStart #
LoadStartCallback onLoadStart