CameraHelper class
@author alteredq /
- shows frustum, line of sight and up of the camera
- suitable for fast updates
based on frustum visualization in lightgl.js shadowmap example
class CameraHelper extends Line { static Projector __projector = new Projector(); static Vector3 __v = new; static Camera __c = new Camera(0.0 ,0.0); Camera camera; Matrix4 matrixWorld; bool matrixAutoUpdate; Map pointMap; CameraHelper( ) : matrixAutoUpdate = false, pointMap = {}, super( new Geometry(), new LineBasicMaterial( color: 0xffffff, vertexColors: FaceColors ), LinePieces) { matrixWorld = camera.matrixWorld; // colors var hexFrustum = 0xffaa00; var hexCone = 0xff0000; var hexUp = 0x00aaff; var hexTarget = 0xffffff; var hexCross = 0x333333; // near addLine( "n1", "n2", hexFrustum ); addLine( "n2", "n4", hexFrustum ); addLine( "n4", "n3", hexFrustum ); addLine( "n3", "n1", hexFrustum ); // far addLine( "f1", "f2", hexFrustum ); addLine( "f2", "f4", hexFrustum ); addLine( "f4", "f3", hexFrustum ); addLine( "f3", "f1", hexFrustum ); // sides addLine( "n1", "f1", hexFrustum ); addLine( "n2", "f2", hexFrustum ); addLine( "n3", "f3", hexFrustum ); addLine( "n4", "f4", hexFrustum ); // cone addLine( "p", "n1", hexCone ); addLine( "p", "n2", hexCone ); addLine( "p", "n3", hexCone ); addLine( "p", "n4", hexCone ); // up addLine( "u1", "u2", hexUp ); addLine( "u2", "u3", hexUp ); addLine( "u3", "u1", hexUp ); // target addLine( "c", "t", hexTarget ); addLine( "p", "c", hexCross ); // cross addLine( "cn1", "cn2", hexCross ); addLine( "cn3", "cn4", hexCross ); addLine( "cf1", "cf2", hexCross ); addLine( "cf3", "cf4", hexCross ); update(); } addLine( a, b, hex ) { addPoint( a, hex ); addPoint( b, hex ); } addPoint( id, hex ) { geometry.vertices.add( new ); geometry.colors.add( new Color( hex ) ); if ( !pointMap.containsKey( id )) { pointMap[ id ] = []; } pointMap[ id ].add( geometry.vertices.length - 1 ); } setPoint( String point, double x, double y, double z ) { __v.setValues( x, y, z ); __projector.unprojectVector( __v, __c ); var points = pointMap[ point ]; if ( points != null ) { var il = points.length; for ( var i = 0; i < il; i ++ ) { geometry.vertices[ points[ i ] ].setFrom( __v ); } } } update() { var w = 1.0, h = 1.0; // we need just camera projection matrix // world matrix must be identity __c.projectionMatrix.setFrom( camera.projectionMatrix ); // center / target setPoint( "c", 0.0, 0.0, -1.0 ); setPoint( "t", 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ); // near setPoint( "n1", -w, -h, -1.0 ); setPoint( "n2", w, -h, -1.0 ); setPoint( "n3", -w, h, -1.0 ); setPoint( "n4", w, h, -1.0 ); // far setPoint( "f1", -w, -h, 1.0 ); setPoint( "f2", w, -h, 1.0 ); setPoint( "f3", -w, h, 1.0 ); setPoint( "f4", w, h, 1.0 ); // up setPoint( "u1", w * 0.7, h * 1.1, -1.0 ); setPoint( "u2", -w * 0.7, h * 1.1, -1.0 ); setPoint( "u3", 0.0, h * 2.0, -1.0 ); // cross setPoint( "cf1", -w, 0.0, 1.0 ); setPoint( "cf2", w, 0.0, 1.0 ); setPoint( "cf3", 0.0, -h, 1.0 ); setPoint( "cf4", 0.0, h, 1.0 ); setPoint( "cn1", -w, 0.0, -1.0 ); setPoint( "cn2", w, 0.0, -1.0 ); setPoint( "cn3", 0.0, -h, -1.0 ); setPoint( "cn4", 0.0, h, -1.0 ); geometry["verticesNeedUpdate"] = true; } }
Object3D > Line > CameraHelper
new CameraHelper(Camera camera) #
Creates a new Object instance.
Object instances have no meaningful state, and are only useful through their identity. An Object instance is equal to itself only.
docs inherited from Object
CameraHelper( ) : matrixAutoUpdate = false, pointMap = {}, super( new Geometry(), new LineBasicMaterial( color: 0xffffff, vertexColors: FaceColors ), LinePieces) { matrixWorld = camera.matrixWorld; // colors var hexFrustum = 0xffaa00; var hexCone = 0xff0000; var hexUp = 0x00aaff; var hexTarget = 0xffffff; var hexCross = 0x333333; // near addLine( "n1", "n2", hexFrustum ); addLine( "n2", "n4", hexFrustum ); addLine( "n4", "n3", hexFrustum ); addLine( "n3", "n1", hexFrustum ); // far addLine( "f1", "f2", hexFrustum ); addLine( "f2", "f4", hexFrustum ); addLine( "f4", "f3", hexFrustum ); addLine( "f3", "f1", hexFrustum ); // sides addLine( "n1", "f1", hexFrustum ); addLine( "n2", "f2", hexFrustum ); addLine( "n3", "f3", hexFrustum ); addLine( "n4", "f4", hexFrustum ); // cone addLine( "p", "n1", hexCone ); addLine( "p", "n2", hexCone ); addLine( "p", "n3", hexCone ); addLine( "p", "n4", hexCone ); // up addLine( "u1", "u2", hexUp ); addLine( "u2", "u3", hexUp ); addLine( "u3", "u1", hexUp ); // target addLine( "c", "t", hexTarget ); addLine( "p", "c", hexCross ); // cross addLine( "cn1", "cn2", hexCross ); addLine( "cn3", "cn4", hexCross ); addLine( "cf1", "cf2", hexCross ); addLine( "cf3", "cf4", hexCross ); update(); }
bool frustumCulled #
inherited from Object3D
bool visible = false, castShadow = false, receiveShadow = false, frustumCulled = false
bool isDynamic #
inherited from Object3D
bool get isDynamic => _dynamic;
set isDynamic(bool flag) => _dynamic = flag;
Matrix4 matrixRotationWorld #
inherited from Object3D
Matrix4 matrix, matrixWorld, matrixRotationWorld
bool matrixWorldNeedsUpdate #
inherited from Object3D
bool matrixAutoUpdate = false, matrixWorldNeedsUpdate = false
bool receiveShadow #
inherited from Object3D
bool visible = false, castShadow = false, receiveShadow = false
void add(Object3D object) #
inherited from Object3D
void add( Object3D object ) { if ( object == this ) { print( 'THREE.Object3D.add: An object can\'t be added as a child of itself.' ); return; } if ( object.parent != null ) { object.parent.remove( object ); } object.parent = this; children.add( object ); // add to scene Object3D scene = this; while ( scene.parent != null ) { scene = scene.parent; } if ( scene is Scene ) { scene.addObject( object ); } }
dynamic addLine(a, b, hex) #
addLine( a, b, hex ) { addPoint( a, hex ); addPoint( b, hex ); }
dynamic addPoint(id, hex) #
addPoint( id, hex ) { geometry.vertices.add( new ); geometry.colors.add( new Color( hex ) ); if ( !pointMap.containsKey( id )) { pointMap[ id ] = []; } pointMap[ id ].add( geometry.vertices.length - 1 ); }
void applyMatrix(Matrix4 matrix) #
inherited from Object3D
void applyMatrix ( Matrix4 matrix ) { this.matrix = matrix * this.matrix; this.scale = getScaleFromMatrix( this.matrix ); Matrix4 mat = extractRotation(new Matrix4.identity(), this.matrix ); this.rotation = calcEulerFromRotationMatrix( mat, this.eulerOrder ); this.position = this.matrix.getTranslation(); }
Object3D getChildByName(String name, bool doRecurse) #
inherited from Object3D
Object3D getChildByName( String name, bool doRecurse ) { int c; int cl = children.length; Object3D child, recurseResult; children.forEach((child){ if ( == name ) { return child; } if ( doRecurse ) { recurseResult = child.getChildByName( name, doRecurse ); if ( recurseResult != null ) { return recurseResult; } } }); return null; }
dynamic localToWorld(Vector3 vector) #
inherited from Object3D
localToWorld(Vector3 vector) => vector.applyProjection(matrixWorld);
void lookAt(Vector3 vector) #
inherited from Object3D
void lookAt( Vector3 vector ) { // TODO: Add hierarchy support. makeLookAt( matrix, vector, position, up ); if ( rotationAutoUpdate ) { if(useQuaternion) quaternion.setFromRotationMatrix(matrix); else rotation = calcEulerFromRotationMatrix( matrix, eulerOrder ); } }
void remove(Object3D object) #
inherited from Object3D
void remove( Object3D object ) { int index = children.indexOf( object ); if ( index != - 1 ){ object.parent = null; children.removeAt(index); // remove from scene Object3D scene = this; while ( scene.parent != null ) { scene = scene.parent; } if (scene is Scene ) { scene.removeObject( object ); } } }
dynamic setPoint(String point, double x, double y, double z) #
setPoint( String point, double x, double y, double z ) { __v.setValues( x, y, z ); __projector.unprojectVector( __v, __c ); var points = pointMap[ point ]; if ( points != null ) { var il = points.length; for ( var i = 0; i < il; i ++ ) { geometry.vertices[ points[ i ] ].setFrom( __v ); } } }
void translate(num distance, Vector3 axis) #
inherited from Object3D
void translate( num distance, Vector3 axis ) { matrix.rotate3( axis ); axis.normalize(); position.add( axis.scale( distance ) ); }
void translateX(num distance) #
inherited from Object3D
void translateX( num distance ) => translate( distance, _vector.setValues( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) );
void translateY(num distance) #
inherited from Object3D
void translateY( num distance ) => translate( distance, _vector.setValues( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ) );
void translateZ(num distance) #
inherited from Object3D
void translateZ( num distance ) => translate( distance, _vector.setValues( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ) );
dynamic update() #
update() { var w = 1.0, h = 1.0; // we need just camera projection matrix // world matrix must be identity __c.projectionMatrix.setFrom( camera.projectionMatrix ); // center / target setPoint( "c", 0.0, 0.0, -1.0 ); setPoint( "t", 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ); // near setPoint( "n1", -w, -h, -1.0 ); setPoint( "n2", w, -h, -1.0 ); setPoint( "n3", -w, h, -1.0 ); setPoint( "n4", w, h, -1.0 ); // far setPoint( "f1", -w, -h, 1.0 ); setPoint( "f2", w, -h, 1.0 ); setPoint( "f3", -w, h, 1.0 ); setPoint( "f4", w, h, 1.0 ); // up setPoint( "u1", w * 0.7, h * 1.1, -1.0 ); setPoint( "u2", -w * 0.7, h * 1.1, -1.0 ); setPoint( "u3", 0.0, h * 2.0, -1.0 ); // cross setPoint( "cf1", -w, 0.0, 1.0 ); setPoint( "cf2", w, 0.0, 1.0 ); setPoint( "cf3", 0.0, -h, 1.0 ); setPoint( "cf4", 0.0, h, 1.0 ); setPoint( "cn1", -w, 0.0, -1.0 ); setPoint( "cn2", w, 0.0, -1.0 ); setPoint( "cn3", 0.0, -h, -1.0 ); setPoint( "cn4", 0.0, h, -1.0 ); geometry["verticesNeedUpdate"] = true; }
void updateMatrix() #
inherited from Object3D
void updateMatrix() { if ( useQuaternion ) { setRotationFromQuaternion( matrix, quaternion ); } else { setRotationFromEuler( matrix, rotation, eulerOrder ); } matrix.setTranslation( position ); if ( scale.x != 1.0 || scale.y != 1.0 || scale.z != 1.0 ) { matrix.scale( scale ); boundRadiusScale = Math.max( scale.x, Math.max( scale.y, scale.z ) ); } matrixWorldNeedsUpdate = true; }
void updateMatrixWorld({bool force: false}) #
inherited from Object3D
void updateMatrixWorld( {bool force: false} ) { if (matrixAutoUpdate) updateMatrix(); // update matrixWorld if ( matrixWorldNeedsUpdate || force ) { if ( parent != null ) { matrixWorld = parent.matrixWorld * matrix; } else { matrixWorld = matrix.clone(); } matrixWorldNeedsUpdate = false; force = true; } // update children children.forEach((c) => c.updateMatrixWorld( force: force ) ); }